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seeing Red

Ok, so because there's always two sides to a story, I had to go back and check on Dacotah Red's and Daniel Greene's tale of love and heartbreak. As you know, I think that porn stars are just like us. Also, I'm  nosy and I like the idea of humanizing sex workers. Two birds, one stone. Because that's what I do. So here's the tea and kind of the gist of what transpired between Dacotah and his ex-beau:

Dacotah is 6'6". Yum. That's a lot of man. Yep. He's also a ginger and I am here for it. Gimme.

He's a sweet Midwestern boy at heart. I've heard that one before *coughHuntleycough* But yes, he comes across as quite nice and quite articulate. I know, shocking! Not. Porn stars are just like us, remember that. 

The marriage with Greene was short and it got pretty ugly pretty fast. After meeting on Grindr they had a whirlwind engagement and apparently, they got married way too soon. It was all fun and giggles at the beginning but look how it ended. Red says it was a mistake. I can see where he's coming from...

It seems there were $8,000 that got 'lost' in the shuffle. Red was in the Army, Greene had his ATM card. You do the math.

The AWOL: yes, he went AWOL. He was getting abuse from company members (if they bully a 6'6" guy...)  and command did absolutely nothing.  They literally told him to “Keep the gay shit out of the Bays.” Homophobia. Alive and kicking in 2021. In the military. Who's surprised?

Dacotah is now working behind the cameras, too. Smart move. If I have learned anything from Upton's posts about gay porn stars from the past, branching out is always a good idea. He seems smart. He's very good in front of the camera though (he demures when he's called a 'natural'. So sweet) and I can see him betting on that Only Fans money.

If you want to know more, you should go to Str8UpGayPorn for the whole interview or visit Dacotah's twitter. He's always fun. I hope everything ends up working out for him. It seems like he's a nice guy. And he's cute!



  1. Us innocent Midwestern boys seem to have a hard time being taken seriously. I don’t know where that comes from. 🙄

    It’s good that he is expanding in his field. Getting into production will help as he ages out of the scene from in front of the camera, because, you know, gays. I hope he does have a long career though because there aren’t many gingers out there. And he’s quite talented.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Us Miswestern boys are kind and sweet. Really we are, aren't we?

    2. Yes we are. A dying breed.

    3. Ha!
      Innocent my ass.
      And learning new things while in the business is a very good way of attaining job security. Porn is not forgiving.


  2. so nice and sweet!

    1. He does come across as nice and sweet.
      It's quite a contrast with his Porn persona.
      I like it.


  3. Replies
    1. He's adorable.
      I have a thing for tall men with a sensitive side...


  4. Married too soon. I can believe that. Don't rush into anything that permanent. Or that permanently costly. Breakups are tough enough without having to add in divorce and all the garbage piles that go along with it. The AWOL thing? Well, I just have to trust he tried all the correct channels before he did that. Because that shit can follow you the rest of your life.

    The porn career? I hope he manages to expand his horizons into the spectrum. Did you see "The Deuce" on HBO? Lot's of background on the porn industry, albeit straight. The actors were paid shit, many having to resort to prostitution; used until they were used up, as Upton has written. And that shit is sad. XOXO

    1. Oh, absolutely.
      They really didn't know what they were getting into. And divorce is such a mess!
      I have no idea how the AWOL thing went. He didn't go into details.
      And now I'm going to have to go find The Deuce! I'm endlessly fascinated by porn stars.


  5. Gay marriage is just like straight marriage... it will have its share of ten minute romances. I can certainly relate. For those of us that were in long term relationships, I think legalized gay marriage held out a hope - a means of fixing what was broken. It is not a fix. And I was very foolish. It was heartbreaking, too... because it's your friends and family who also suffer the loss. Nothing threatens the relationship of another like the divorce of someone close. Dacotah is cute. Gingers are adorable in general and 6'6"... hells to the yeah! I would love to hear his tales of getting some military dick. Hee hee. Thanks for sharing and for the shout out. Kizzes.

    1. I know right?
      The operative word is MARRIAGE. It does not matter if it's two men or a man and a woman. Marriage is not a band-aid. It can make things even worse sometimes.
      Dacotah is adorable and can that boy ever fuck!


  6. Marriage is work; gay or straight. Every day. And if you don't wanna work at it, then don't do it. And for the love of the goddesses, don't rush into it.

    1. Absolutely.
      I cannot see anything that requires more work than marriage.


  7. One of the biggest detriments to sex workers having relationships it the 'escort' side of the business, which is where they make their big bucks. Also, there are ways of getting General Discharge from the service without going AWOL. As someone who's been in the military, I can tell you that those who don't take advantage of those methods, those who choose a dishonorable discharge, usually tend to be all around losers.

    1. Well, anybody who enters in a relationship with a sex worker knows what they're getting. But there's a person behind the sex. Sex is just work.
      And I have no idea how his military affairs were negotiated. He's out and about, and he was getting his pay. He never mentioned anything in the interview, probably because it's ongoing? I have no idea.


  8. That sounds like a lot of drama to me. You take this one baby, he isn't doing a thing for me, even after seeing his twitter.

    1. Yep, dear Dacotah has had a ton of drama thrown his way.
      He's cute, though.


  9. OMG...the pressure from being in the military along with money being stolen, was probably easy too much to handle at that young age.

    1. I cannot imagine.
      He seems to have been put through the wringer at a very early age. Add the porn career and yes, you get a recipe for a ton of pressure.



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