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My Cousin's Friend

When the internet exploded last week talking about Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend's balls I was surprised but not too much. It's America, after all, and the American public is easily swayed on a topic, especially if social media has a saying on it (wait for this week to be all about some influencer's sordid death and its aftermath). That, of course, comes at the cost of paying attention to much more important issues, like hospitals being overrun by the unvaccinated, voter suppression running rampant and the xtianists preparing a takeover on gay rights after they all but blasted Roe vs. Wade . Prioritizing is not something that the American public seem to be adept at doing. It's the shiny new object what counts. And the more outlandish, the better. Also, this is not the first time that Nicki has flexed her 22-million-followers power, or the first time a rapper has said something deeply stupid. What did surprise me was the immediate takeover this topic made of all media, social and mainstream. Her absolutely improbable and irremediably absurd claim provoked a reaction that I was not expecting.

She was trending on twitter, became a hashtag on Instagram and CNN and MSNBC mentioned her. I was like, 'meh', until Tucker Clarkson (!!) and Candace Owens started mentioning her. When a white supremacist and a grifter jump in your wagon, you've done fucking it up. It was like when Agolf Twitler was constantly saying stupid shit and everybody and their mother were paying attention to him. Hydroxychloroquine, anybody? Suddenly, I had PTSD. I also thought: "if there actually were a 'cancel culture' movement going on, this would be a great moment to prove some people right". But there's no such thing as 'cancel culture', alas. There's only deep stupidity and the advantage some people have to say the most damaging things without any consequences. 

But why would a rapper who had previously had COVID be tweeting incredibly dumb shit about such a polarizing topic? It did not make sense. And why wouldn't somebody who had been a staple at events like the MET Gala and awards shows would suddenly not go to them? Somebody who craves and needs attention and that to this point did not seem tainted by politics? With such an urban-legend lite excuse? It did not compute. 

Then I remembered something that made me reconsider the swollen testicles of Nicki's cousin's friend: her husband is facing rape allegations and also the fallout of failing to register as a sex offender. And she has been defending him while at the same time she's tried to 'convince' his accuser to recant her claim. Very shady. Just like she defended her brother, who was found guilty of raping his former stepdaughter repeatedly when she was 11 years old. Then it all kind of clicked. I'm sure Minaj knows the power those 22+ million followers has. She has sent them after people before, doxxing reporters and people she does not like. But it looks to me that she's using the power of social media (and people's incomprehensible stupidity) to create some kind of smoke screen to divert from her problems and the problems of the sex offenders she loves. 

It's funny how something as simple as getting a vaccine or attending a Gala can derail into a sordid tale of politically motivated name calling, lies easily disproven and even a call from the White House. It's the times we're living in, apparently. Oh, and the next time somebody tells you they're doing 'their research' on whether to get the vaccine just like Nicki, I have got just the right thing for you:

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so you'll probably be faced with one or three relatives that will tell you they're still 'doing research' about the vaccine. Have them take the test. And let them know that Facehook is NOT a peer-reviewed scientific journal.



  1. Nicki's just trying to take the focus off her husband maybe going back to jail for failing to register as a sex offender.
    At least that's what my mother's cousin's nephew's best friend's mother's hairdresser says.

    1. Hahahaha
      What's good for the goose...


  2. Laughed out loud at the Hardy Boys cover and the New England Journal!

    1. You know that people on social media would immediately lampoon her silly assertion.
      I guess looking like an absolute idiot is tempered by all the money she has...


  3. I'm a Mariah Carey fan. She can carry a tune! I have to admit, that I have loved Stephen Colbert's monologues on Niki Manage cousin's friends ball.

    1. Love Mariah too!
      And Colbert's had a ball with, well, Nicki's cousin's friend's balls. As had every rational person in the US.


  4. Honestly, I have no idea what this is about. I saw the Richard Marx book cover makeover - and thought... what a weird thing to trend. I have no idea what she said or is doing. I do like her. I think she's super talented. Messed up? Oh, yeah. You know it. That's just part of the package these days. But when you wrote - wait for this week to be all about some influencer's sordid death and its aftermath - you really got my hopes up! So... do you already know who it is? (Oh, please be a youtuber or a Kardashian!). I don't really participate in social media. Blogging is as close as I get. Occasionally I will give someone crap on Twitter. But that's it. I don't care. It's stupid stuff and a waste of a keyboard. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, she is sharp and has a quick wit.
      Which makes super strange hat she would get tangled in a tale of stupidity like this one. And I was talking about the Florida woman who disappeared in Wyoming. One of those vloggers who travel around the country and document their lives . It's been all over the news. Funny thing is, hundreds of Native American women have also disappeared in that same place since 2011 and nobody has said anything...
      Social media is the devil.


  5. Believe it or not, I actually own that Hardy Boys book. I also hope someone sues her stupid ass because their uncle's wife's brother used her excuse and ended up dying of Covid.

    1. That's a classic!
      You must keep it.
      And there's no consequences for people who say stupid, dangerous things if they have money, Dave. Didn't you know?


  6. That seems to be the strategy these days…deflect with something outlandish and hope it sticks. Personal responsibility is a thing of the past.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

    1. It comes directly from Fat Hitler's playbook. It was Cheeto's strategy and now everybody uses it.
      That's why I say that there's no such thing as 'cancel culture'.


  7. Never cared for Minaj...or her music.
    It's about time the relatives of those who die because covidiots are taking all the hospital beds...begin suing the families of the covidiots! Not fair, you say? Fuck 'em, they should face the consequences of what they've done. XOXO

    1. Even in Italy there are cousins who know more than scientists. Pathetic idiots!

    2. Well, she has her public.
      I think people who are not vaccinated should be sent back home. But it would never happen. No personal responsibility at all. They get sick because they KNOW they will not be left to die without health care workers trying to save their stupid asses.


    3. In Italy, there is the idea that if one gets sick and has not voluntarily been vaccinated, he must pay for his merdical treatment!

  8. HUH? I heard mention of the Nicki Vag stuff, but don't know what it's about. I can't follow non sense. Besides, she should be more concerned about the size of her ass. It looks like two VW beetles trying to pass each other coming the street.

    Meanwhile, I worry none about Thanksgiving. Thank heavens I have a all left wing family who is all vaxxed!!!! We may not have all our marbles, but were vaxxed damn it. I just saw my two cousins this weekend, We had a "late" graduation as he was back to have the ceremony from Dickson College. to accept his diploma. Hubba Hubba. Is it wrong I thought they were hot???

    1. Oh, late night has had a ball with it.
      But it has also been on mainstream media. It literally hijacked a whole news cycle.
      You know that some poor people are gonna have to deal with some stupid nonsense during Thanksgiving. I, for example know somebody in the family who is not vaccinated, and I'm dreading having to see them.
      And honey, cousins are always lookable.



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