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I just realized that if you do a search on Instagram, you cannot find Stefan's drawings or his handle. His @gay_art_drawings_02 does not appear anywhere in the search box. It's one more thing Instagram does to sanitize and homogenize its content. Instagram makes sure any kind of account that publishes nudes or homoerotic art or has any kind of #gay does not appear right away in the searches. That's why these artists are usually known by word of mouth.

Creators of homoerotic art, like Stefan, usually have to really push it to get their art out there while at the same time, trying to make sure that Instagram does not crack down on their output and creativity. They usually get drawings flagged at least once a week (!!) and they have to fight instagram to reinstate them. What I've noticed is that many artists make lists of suggestions that include the art of other people to their followers, kind of a who's who of artists to follow. It's like a big, awesome brotherhood (or peoplehood) that keeps people who like this kind of art informed of what other queer artists are doing. I think it's very cool.

Artists on Instagram work on commissions (Instagram being the perfect visal media, as opposed to Twitter, that is a cauldron of fuckery) and the platform (that touts itself as all-inclusive) does everything it can to make sure that nothing remotely sexual appears in people's feeds. Really. Mark Zuckerberg wants to milk this cow for all it's worth while making it as bland as possible. He wants more and more eyes glued to it.  Isn't it funny how he seems to want more and more and that 'more' is obviously never enough. I pity him with all his millions. I'm sure his head is not ok. 

That situation of Instagram being such a dick is why I decided to do this series and showcase the artists I like there. Fuck Instagram. And fuck Zuckerberg. Hope he chokes on a dick. And talking about dicks, Big was just talking about Dicks and Dick Size. Yep. So many men are so deeply preoccupied for their dick size, that this artist has decided to use that as a theme. As someone who has frequently and thoroughly enjoyed a good penis (and has been doing it since he's 14), I'll have to tell you that what counts is the man to which said appendage is attached. The man needs to be a passionate, dedicated and an attentive lover so the dick (bigger or smaller) would work its magic. I know, shocking. But true.

Don't get me wrong, a big dick is NICE to look at and to play with, but a huge dick does not a great lover make. Nope. Been there, done them and it's a literal pain. Some men have big dicks and they really do not know what to do with them. They usually use them like it's a fucking weapon (literally) with little regard to the enjoyment of the other person involved. The dick can be ten inches or six inches, (like Big's reader's), and if he's a good lover, he'll do fantastically and will give whomever it is with him in bed (or in the park, or in the car, or at the beach...) the time of their lives. Trust me. I know what I am talking about. I've been dickmatized many times over.

Oh, and this is Stefan's second account. As you can see, @gay_art_drawings_02 has a 02 at the end. His first account was closed by the powers that be. Yep. Instagram leaves up anti-vaxxers, White Supremacists, Brexit promoters, transphobes and assorted Russian bots spread misinformation and hatred but it will close down an account if you show too much dick. As I said, fuck instagram. And support artists who show peen. 

I applaud Stefan's resilience and stubbornness. I really hope he keeps drawing his fantastically endowed men (and hopefully taking commissions) and I am totally with his David fighting the Instagram Goliath. I would love, love, love to have one of his drawings blown up three feet tall and put it up in my bedroom. Or maybe a couple of drawings. Or maybe a commission? I'm sure I'd find somebody who would offer to serve as a model...

So, if you have an Instagram account, make sure you give Stefan a follow or a like or a commission. You can do that if you have Facebook, too. Remember, it's all part of the same monster that is going to eat us all up one day.



  1. I don't actually look for porn on Instagram. I do have an account if you wish to follow me, I think it's drsnyderwriter.

    1. But Dave, then you know by experience that there's no porn on IG.
      They have scrubbed it clean to maximize volume. This is homoerotic art, something that IG barely tolerates.
      And you have an IG account? The surprises you give us...


  2. Thank you, Million Moms, Michelle Bachman, Jerry Falwell Jr, The Pope(s) and all the Snake Handlers everywhere.
    There are homoerotic art blogs on Blogger and with varied tastes. You are so correct with dick size. Give me passion and commitment and I'm yours.

    1. I miss JMG's weekly priest pedophile arrest posts.

    2. I'm having a problem with blogger. The above was only a part of what I commented. Go figure.

    3. Oh, Blogger is one of the last bastions of non-scrubbed content.
      The religious wrong and greed have taken care of all the other venues artists had to publish their work.
      Passion and commitment are fundamental in a good lover, dick size be damned.

      OMG remember that feature in JMG? Dan savage also had one with bible study teachers.
      And blogger can be a pain!


  3. I followed your last showcased artist and I’ll do the same with Stephan. I feel it’s the best way to stay cultured.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahahaha
      Awesome, bae. And there are fantastic artists on IG. They sometimes have an extra account on twitter cause IG's algorithm does not like male nudity.


  4. obviously Stefan has gained a follower on IG, but I don't know how long he will last before the censors notice his artistic audacity!

  5. Omg dickmatized should be on a t-shirt!! LOL

    1. LMAOOO
      And yes, been there. Done them.


  6. I love the art and thanks for sharing it my dear. I love erotic art like that. I also like big dicks. But like you said, one has to know how to use them. I'm a size queen...I like to work my way around a nice dick, but I'm also an equal opportunity dick sucker...and I love them all!!!! Im not huge, but not bad. One must spend time getting to know their own cock to know how to use it the right way, and the Lad lets me know that in no uncertain terms. And Instagram is getting to be a pain. I posted a underwear shot the one day and it got removed. My friend saw it and said it was probably because the head of my cock was to pronounce. But a woman can show big, huge tits with pronounced nipples?!?!?

    Kisses for the weekend my cutie.

    1. I also love homoerotic art!
      I sometimes wish I had tons of money to become a patron of the arts with all these talented people. Seriously.
      And knowing our own dick is essential to learn how to use it right. And something tells me your definition of 'not bad' is not the same as mine...
      As for IG? I totally believe they would censor your photos. There's something about male nudity that IG just cannot take...


  7. You know, I never thought about Zuckerberg as being mentally ill... that could make sense. As for Twitter - I have an account by rarely do anything with it and have avoided all other social media platforms, even FaceFuck. I think it's wonderful that this artist has found a use for Instagram. I hope it helps establish him as an artist - his work is quite fetching. Thanks for promoting this. Loved all your comments. Have a lovely weekend, dear. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, at this point Zuckerberg is long gone.
      The process probably started when he betrayed the men who created facehook. He sold his soul to the devil, also known as capitalism. No redemption there.
      And yes, I hope all these fantastically talented artists find a niche. Many have Gumroad and Patreon pages where you can see their art in all their glory.


  8. Well, I did comment, but I think it gotten eaten up or disappeared. I love art like this I will have to look him and his work up on the gram. Even though they are annoying me. I recently did a post of me in my undies, and I got warning and it was removed. My friend said it was probably that the head of my cock was too visible. But it's alright for a woman to show her big jugs with pronounced nipples?!?!

    As you know, I love me a nice dig dick to work with...but I'm an equal opportunity cock sucker, I love any cock and it's all how you use it!!!!!

    1. Got your comment!
      And IG requires very sneaky techniques: blurring, strategically placed objects and the such when it comes to male parts.


  9. He got a new follower on IG for sure!

    1. me! Great works. Let's hope he can go on on IG, before the censorship.


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