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Toon Pawan

I lowkey have a lot of respect for sex workers. For all the fun involved in sex, It's a thankless job. They are stigmatized and pointed at as 'less than' yet it's the oldest profession in the world and hordes of people want (and pay) to fuck them. If they are so despicable, why are they so sought after? The hypocrisy is blatant.

People often grow up with all these negative assumptions of sex workers because it is what they’ve been taught. This stigma that sex workers carry around with them can, at its worst, be fatally dangerous as “sex workers are far more likely to be murdered than the rest of the population”

It was very interesting to watch this video and get an insider's look into what it is to be a sex worker in Asia, where so many Americans go to fulfill their fantasies, btw. In some people's minds, there's a direct correlation between sexual desire and hate for the object of their desire (seen especially in heterosexual men, but not missing in self-hating gay men). Gay sexual culture teems with the erotization of beautiful male bodies that seem to come with a barely disguised contempt for the profession the men who have sex while showing off said bodies have. 

It may be that some men resent the power porn stars and sex workers have over them. Paraphrasing what Big commented in a pasts post: the dick knows what the dick likes. And it seems to me that some men cannot help but react to the beauty (or whatever it is that triggers that erection) of sex workers and porn stars and they resent that. But who knows why, right? I'm not a psychologist. I'm just a blogger with too many opinions and an internet connection, but what I do know is that people with sex hangups are definitely fucked up and drag everything and everybody to their level every chance they have. 

This sex worker, specifically, is very aware of the pitfalls of his profession (when he says that he's aware people only value his body, shit gets real) and has branched out as a safer-sex advocate, a promoter of the use of PrEP and he's also an artist. He offers here a not-often-seen view to what it is that's going on behind the curtain and lets us see the perks and pitfalls of being a MSM sex worker. Also, I like his condo.

So the next time anybody decides to criticize of belittle a sex worker/porn star/ the eroticized image of a man, they need to think with their dick. That dick is not going to lie.



  1. i love sex and i am very uninhibited, so you can only imagine if i can stigmatize sex workers. Whoever does it well, for me, is a priest of love!

    1. Yep, the priest of love. The same here. If they, do it for me, I'm in.

    2. A priest of love!


  2. My friend who has done porn has told me he doesn't regret it, but in his non porn life now, what's bothers him most is when he hears the snickering and talking when and if people find out he's done a porn. He said sometimes if really gets to him and some can get downright insulting and mean. Yet one of his "conservative" male co workers eluded to wanting to see his huge cock. Figures.

    He has since left and took another job in his field where there are less gay people. But queens talk.

    1. But...
      Why would he regret it? It's the OTHERS who will forever remind him of what THEY felt. The male co-workers are a perfect example of the hypocrisy I was talking about . I would slap a bitch.


  3. I do worry about sex workers who are abused and pimped out to make coins for someone else.
    But if you're doing it for yourself, and you aren't hurting anyone, who cares?
    Same goes for porn stars. I'd never do porn, cuz that's just me, but I'd be fascinated to talk to someone who did.

    1. Being abused and pimped out to make coin for someone else is the perfect description of capitalism.
      This sex worker here is doing it for himself but he does talk about the strain it puts on his family (who are already racially profiled). He also does other things, apart from being an escort.
      And I read all the memoirs gay porn stars have written. I find them fascinating.


  4. Hi, Six. So many things going through my head. First, he had one of the cutest smiles that I've seen in decades. What a charmer.
    Is sex work legal where he is? I was never clear on that point. In countries where sex work is legal, there is more safety from disease and physical harm. The smart sex workers always plan for the next life, so to speak.

    1. Charming: that's the word that comes to mind.
      And I think he's in Thailand. I think that's why he's got a network that supplies education and resources for sex workers. And I think he's been planning for that 'next life'. I wanted to put her his Ted Talk but I thought this video was more telling.


  5. I really do feel sorry for them. No matter how hard they try to legitimize their work way too many see them as just a piece of meat. The escort business is not as glamorous as some want to believe.

    1. I don't feel sorry for them.
      It's called work because there's work involved. The way others see them says more about the others than about the job they have. That is my point. The stigma attached to sex work is tied to what other people think of sex. And no work is glamorous. We get paid to do what we do because it involves an effort. Otherwise it's called volunteering.


  6. Sex work is always looked down upon. It's stupid. Even in the places (here) where it's legal the folks are ridiculed. But, boy! do they make bank. Even what we call "exotic dancers" are ridiculed - many of whom are just paying their way through college. It makes no sense...disparage the sex worker, pay the sex worker, or watch the porn they make while getting the rocks off. You're right - just like hate for and ridiculing other cultures, the attitudes surrounding sex are taught. Then, of course, those who taught that attitude want to know when you're going to put that dick to use and ghet them some grandkids. #amiright? XOXO

    1. Oh, absolutely.
      But it comes from people who think sex is dirty. It's kind of simple. And some of them do make good money. I think I'll post about that some day. And of course it makes no sense. The hypocrisy of it all is mind blowing.


  7. When I started watching the video, I thought it was going to be another house tour. But then I realized it was Friday and we already did this week’s house tour.

    Many of the people who disparage sex workers and advocate legislation against them are “prostitutes” in their own right. They sell their souls to the highest bidder and then get all righteous about someone doing what they can to survive or make a better world for themselves. (How’s that OF/JFF coming babe?)

    This guy has his head on right. He’s productive, satisfying a market and advocating for safer sex. And he could come sit by me and tell me the story of his life anytime.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      I love his condo, though.
      And you have just described a big majority of Repugs. That's why I would never date a gay Repug. Barf.
      And I agree. He's got his priorities set straight (so to say) and I really admire his advocating for safer sex and work conditions. And isn't he cute? I think he should have a JFF. Me? But who's gonna pay to see me getting pressed like the news?


  8. Just watched the mini-series "Pam and Tommy" -- it's a great examination of consent/abuse, porn/sex, power/exploitation. Well worth anyone's time to watch!

    1. That is a good one!
      It's an exploration of the media and our obsession with other people's sex life. It's also a view to what the internet become and how it affected the opinion of people in what concerns privacy and the raise of sex tapes.
      I agree with you. Totally worth the watch.


  9. I honestly don't find a lot of modern porn very stimulating. It's all so over lit with white walls and so clean. As for sex workers... the industry, since it finally has moved from the shadows and alleyways to the internet, it IS getting healthier. When something resides in darkness, it can easily develop some very bad practices... you shine a light on it? A lot of that gets better. I rather adore your thesis that men despise that which they are not, yet crave. Very true, that. Have a lovely weekend dear. Kizzes.

    1. I kind of agree with you.
      Pornography has kind of lost some of its appeal. Especially with people being able to put out product that looks more real and less packaged than what the studios were doing. And sex work was in the shadows because the people who employ sex workers considered it a shady/shameful thing. Shining a light on it does make things improve.
      And twisted people do tend to detest the object of their lust.


  10. That vid was excellent. I don't think I'd have a problem dating a porn star. And besides, they are providing a service many take advantage of, whether they admit it or not.

    1. I agree with you. Totally.
      I think it's the person, who's valuable. Not what they do (or have done) for a living. It's work!. I'd totally consider dating a porn star. I could never date a gay Republican, though because they don't have souls.


  11. I think I recall hearing it's someone's birthday today!
    Happy Spring! And the happiest of birthdays. XOXO

    1. Hahahaha
      Good memory! Yes, it is today.
      Thanks. Big. *smooches*



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