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So, I like fucking. Having a man press me like I'm the news is something that I thoroughly enjoy. Now that THAT'S out of the way, let's recognize that not every gay man likes to fuck. There are many, many other ways to express intimacy with another man and as many ways to get an orgsam, if that's what the person likes. And that's something that we all should talk about more. Especially when we're in a relationship with someone. ESPECIALLY if we are starting a relationship with someone. So many heartbreaks and sleepless nights would be avoided if we would just talk about what we like about sex more, that I don't understand how is it that people don't have this conversation more often.

I once had a thing with a guy who loved frottage. He's a big bruiser, over six feet tall (yeah, I know) and when that man hugged me, he HUGGED me. And he loved to do frottage. And it was hot as all hell. He could cum buckets, too, so there's that. Another man I had was partial to oral. You'd give him a good blow job and he would be as happy as he could be. He was VERY vocal about his pleasure, too, which I loved. He'd be game for other stuff in bed but oral has his thing: in the car, in his office, in the park, you name it. Head was the name of the game with him. And I was more than happy to please him because he did please me too.

And there's the ones that like fucking. And they are fantastic at it. I'm thankful every day for those men because we don't have to negotiate anything. We get down to business and things just run smoothly. It's like a dance. But it's not always that easy. That comes with trust and affection and communication. I know, there's more to life than sex, but when you click with someone at many levels, isn't having sex with him fantastic? When it seems to be like he can read your mind, he knows you so well? When you both like the same things in bed? Isn't that the coolest feeling? 

I love how Michael Henry brings these things to the table and in such a fantastically funny way! We try to be very sex positive in this blog (well, I try because of course I do) and I think sex should be a topic covered by anybody who wants to get in a relationship (temporary, with benefits, long term, you name it) with somebody else. What if you're Ace? What if you're Demisexual? What if you fuck differently? What if you are a Side?  Whomever you're fucking should know those things. Fuck first, says Dan Savage. And I could not agree more.


P.S. @yourfriendkevin? Yes, please. And twice on weekends.


  1. Kevin... add the mustache and bingo... yes. Cute as a button. But his energy?

    Anyhoo. If Michael is white knuckling that headboard every time? Damn. He is not doing it right.

    And I'm all for everybody getting their cookies served however pleases them most. Me? I like a hot dom top or a top who I can turn into a bottom. Sometimes I like a little bottom... sweet to eat, which usually gets me in the mood to top.

    But its all good. This terminology...side. Well, the more you know, right? Just another file in a very stuffed drawer :)

    And I like things stuffed. Kizzes.

    1. LOL
      I thought the same about white knuckling! And I agree: come get your cookies! And I don't think the terminology means anything. For all I know Michael made it up. What I do know is that I also like things stuffed...


  2. True Story: a long time ago, when I began managing the paint department, people were big into texture painting, so we offered several courses in textures. One of them was Frottage (pronounced with a French accent). I told my associates the true definition and, of course, they Googled it. From that day on, we had a lot of fun every time a customer came up to us and asked about frottage.

      *hiccups* Hahahahaha
      Oh, this is the best thing I've read all week. Who knew you'd illuminate their lives in such a way?


  3. I'm not much of an ANALyst in sex. I'm only TOP and if I fuck, he has to turn me on as hell, he has to be wide and clean. Otherwise it is impossible for me to "erect". I am very oral, from kissing to blowjob/swallow. I understand that the human exhaust pipe is full of nerve connections, but for my sensitivity, I don't feel much pleasure in stimulating it. I am very explicit in the discourse on sex. So it is absolutely normal for me to talk about it.

    1. Oh, I love that about you, Xersex.
      And we should all be as candid when it comes to sex. Really. A lover would know exactly where he stands with you.
      Love it.


  4. Top, Bottom, Side, whatever is your thing I say do it. Do it all.

    1. I know, right?
      People should be more open to talking about it. It's so much fun!


  5. Anonymous4/29/2022


    Sex is a buffet. You take what you want and leave the rest. I think variety is important. I’ve mostly topped, but have done a little on the bottom bunk. I love being oral from kissing to rimming to sucking. It’s all good. But always, communication and consent is important.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Absolutely.
      And how are we going to know what is it that makes us tick if we don't try it? What's the worst that could happen? That we don't enjoy it much? Well, we don't do it again. Simple. And we let whomever it is we're with what's going on. Simple.


  6. "the human sock puppet" LOL! These videos are so hilarious, yet oddly informative,

    1. LMAOOO
      Michael's videos never fail to crack me up. Sometimes I blog with people around and I'm sure they think I'm deranged. And yes, Sex Ed should be this much fun!


  7. Anonymous4/29/2022

    Pat says:
    You nailed it. Maybe the pun IS intended. LOL. I, for instance, am not a guy who likes to top or bottom with guys. Give me head and I'll reciprocate in an instant. Give me a terrific hand job and I'll reciprocate in an instant. C2C frot - I'm there 100%, too. Let the dance begin and as long as no one is insistent upon leading, well then it becomes a mutual entertainment like it should be. XOXO

    1. There you go.
      Same as my friend. And the thing is, who can say that anybody else is 'wrong' for liking something that brings them pleasure even if it's not 'the norm'? People are silly. It's just sex.


  8. I have dropped men who didn't at least attempt to fuck me on the first date. Total bottom here.

    1. Oh, Jimmy.
      Same. You're a man after my own heart.


  9. Anonymous4/29/2022

    Kevin looks very much like a young Kevin Cline.

    1. Anonymous4/29/2022

      Not sure why my comments are showing up as annonymous--It's me JM! In the last about dolls too, I was "anonymous".

    2. There it is, I needed to sign in.

    3. Oh, yes!
      He looks hot but it's the mustache what does it for me.
      And you know Blogger is having a midlife crisis with all these new things going on!


  10. I'm with you. I love fucking. And being a sizable man, it shocks many I enjoy bottoming. Love feeling a guy's low hanging balls slapping my taint as he fucks me. But I love fucking a nice tight bubble ass too. Mutual J/O is a huge turn on for me as is oral. Ask Maddie about frottage. That was a hot session. Whoops. lol

    1. Oh, I have a feeling you're hot in bed LOL
      And why would people be surprised you can be versatile? Probably because of the image THEY have of you in their heads...
      And same about the low hangers.
      LOL if I ask Maddie anything, I'd have to bring some Gin. Once that convo starts, I know it's going to be awhile before we end it.



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