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The CyberSocket awards are upon us. Oh, you didn't know? Neither did I, but the internet, being the stalky ex-boyfriend it is, reminded me of this. Apparently, CyberSocket is some kind of conglomerate located in California that caters to all things porn. Who knew? 

CyberSocket is apparently a multimedia publishing company (they have a paperback guide and a website, as you can see above) and it reviews gay porn films and the such. It also has Adult Industry events like the awards I was talking about (they started them in 2000, which makes them more or less a staple in the industry?)

So, anyways, thinking about Maddie's comment on why is it that we publish so many conventionally handsome men in our pages, I figured out that that image comes from the men we see in the gay media (CyberSocket is one of such media) and decided to see which performers were considered for their awards this year. Here's a sample of the men who are up for Performer of the Year, which would give you an idea of how the industry sees what we are most likely consuming:


He's 34 and 6' tall. I think he's been on this blog before. Actually super funny and a good sport. I would not mind.


He's 36 and 5'10. Very handsome. His twitter feed is a riot. He combines it with some serious stuff and he's got a fantastic body. 


He's 26 and 5'11. He's very flexible. VERY.  Trust me. And seems to be all kinds of fun in the sack.


He's 6'3" and 21. The only thing I know about him is that he's gay for pay. Not my fav kind of porn actor, BTW. Beef be damned. 


He's 40 and 6'3. He's bounced back from being banned on twitter (the jealousy!). His twitter feed is a gold mine of hot content. And he can FUCK. In all caps. His videos also have one of the most diverse casts I've seen in porn.


He's 6'2" and a relative newcomer. He mostly works for Falcon and Noir. But has a HAWT scene with Ryheim. And he could. Yes. 


He's 31 and his Insta is very cute. He's won some prizes in the indunstry before. If you have checked the eye candy on this blog, you've seen... a lot of him. A lot.


He's 31 and 6'2" and that's about as much as I know about him. He's on the Tubes, of course, and could stand some scrutiny. I could do some research, of course. For science's sake.


He's 36 and 5'11". I had no idea who he was but I'll do some research. Yes I will. And yes, he could. Repeatedly. 


He's 5'5" and his Instagram is full of fun pics. On of the few performers with their pronouns (They/Them/He/Him) on his page. Nice. And he's a pocket gay. Always fun.


So that's it for CyberSocket. What do you think? The bodies are what you'd think you'd find in porn. Porn is not real life, though, but many people lose sight of that when they go on the apps or to the bar in search of 'conversation'. One thing is what you do for a little fun with yourself, another is imposing impossible parameters on the rest of your gay brethren because all you want is a porn star. The thing I kind of like about this lineup is that they are all... grown ass men? Even the youngest one has some meat to his bones. Of course there IS a twink category in the CyberSocket awards (duh, they do cater to every niche in the gay menagerie) but these men here kind of blur those lines. Some of the men up for this category could qualify as 'daddies' or 'twunks' or 'hunks', depending on where your tastes lay. But to tell you the truth, I'm quite surprised it's this varied. I was expecting the hot bodies (it's porn, after all) but it's not as lily-white as I was fearing. 

So just based on first impressions (and probably a click into their ... oeuvre) who do you think will win? Or who would win based on your professional ogler opinion? 

Go ahead, tell me. I'm not one to judge...


P.S. I'm sure there's awards for lady performers but I'm at a loss there. I would not even know where to start... so maybe another time?


  1. fabulous guys: and if they starded in 2000, their job has reached the age of majority four years ago. If you think Belami started around 1993 ...

    1. Well, they started giving these awards in 2000, some of these performers are younger. And you know Bel Ami keeps the stable fresh by constantly rotating faces. But I still remember Pavel Novotny and Lukas Ridgeston.


  2. Interesting! And I thought Cyber Socket had something to do with Cybernetics and HDMI ports.

  3. 🤤 Damn these are some fine men. All of them could get it. I think if I had to select only one, without any research and purely on the visuals above, I would go with Reign.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, research. It's what we do. And Reign has a future ahead of him...


  4. Some lovely photos of some lovely dudes. Leading us to the proper places for more. 😁 XOXO

    P.S. My computer tells me the opening photo (magazine cover) and the one of Malik were infected with phishing malware --- successfully blocked. XOXO

    1. Yep, they're pretty!
      And you're not missing anything great with Malik.


  5. It's nice to see all the POC represented. Sharock, Brock, Rhyheim do it for me. Reign and DeAngelo are too gym bunny for me, but great faces.

    Awards are stupid. It's just a PR tool, nothing more. Signifies nothing but maybe someone paid attention to a given performer and promote them via this sort of thing. Bah.

    Professional porn is kind of boring. All those photos? Exactly alike. The camera technique? All similar. They could be anybody photographed by anybody. Zzzz.

    Still fun to look at and... without them? I wouldn't have anyone clicking into my blog - ever! So... me, biting the hand.... the neck... the lower lip.... sigh. Kizzes.

    1. I was surprised, to tell you the truth.
      After all, these are awards given by 'mainstream' porn outlets (hence the poses). And I think they do mean something, especially for the models, who are both idolized and seen as less-than because they are sex workers. Funny, right?
      And I disagree. They could not be anybody photographed by anybody. These are very specific shots of very out of the ordinary people. If you know any photographer who can make me look like this, please forward their phone number. I've got a job for them...


  6. I would definitely be Team DeAngelo. And I'm off to check out his TwitPage.

    1. I think he's dreamy.
      Very handsome. And that body! Seriously.


  7. I say Beau! Butler

    1. Oh, Beau Butler is very hot.
      Very, very hot.



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