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So how well do you know Queer history? I think that queer people sometimes forget where we come from and maintain a slightly narrow vision of the path that has been carved both by others in the past and our contemporaries. So here we have Ryan and Johnny (dear lord, is Johnny yummy!) with some tidbits that may be interesting for you to answer. For example:

  1. In what year was homosexuality legalised in the US by the Supreme Court?
  2. In what year was the first Pride parade held?
  3. What was the first country to achieve marriage equality and in what year?
  4. Which TV series showed the first simulated gay sex scene?
  5. Who is the best selling LGBTQ artist in history?
  6. How many times does Diana Ross say 'I'm coming out' in her iconic 1980 hit?
  7. National Coming Out day is celebrated on what day?
  8. In what year was the first Lesbian kiss broadcast on US tv?
  9. First queer woman of color to win an Oscar?
  10. Who is the original creator of Queer as Folk?

So did you get some of these? All? Five?

It doesn't really matters. What matters is that we take for granted many things and as one of the commenters on YouTube says when the guys are talking about Gay Marriage:

Quote of the Day: “I think a more pressing question would be, when is it going to be illegal again?”
I literally died because it’s hilarious and true.



P.S. if you can watch "It's a Sin" do it. It's fab.


  1. Anonymous8/09/2022

    Big says,
    I probably got less than 5. But, hey, that more pressing question IS much more pressing. They may finally stop Cheeto from holding federal office but there are some very, very, very dangerous folks who **will** get elected and are smart enough to have learned from the mistakes he made. As Bannon pointed out over the weejend at CPAC: "We're at war." XOXO

    1. Ha!
      I think I got seven, to tell you the truth. And yes, that pressing question is INDEED pressing. I hope they stop Cheeto form holding any kind of office. Even better, I hope he goes to fucking jail.
      And we are at war with ignorance, misinformation and bigotry. Yes, we are.


  2. The hard thing is we heard the answers...its just remembering them.. I think I had four or five right. But as far as Ryan I would tap that....with the glasses on while Johnny tapped me. Why not?

    1. Yay!
      So you watched the video! My job here is done. I hope more people do it, too. And I would pay to watch that threesome. Fuck, I may even join in because Johnny could definitely get it any day.


  3. I've never been any good with dates, that's why I always forget the first, often the second, and sometimes the third.

    1. Hahaha
      Oh, I'm terrible with dates, too. And you know what's funny? I love history and art, which totally depend on dates. History of my life.


  4. Anonymous8/09/2022

    Though I love history (watched Abraham Lincoln twice) I am horrible at dates. And I was SHOCKED that homosexuality was only made legal in 2003, and that it was a SCOTUS ruling, so we know that won’t end well.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Same, bae.
      And yes, homosexuality was made legal ONLY TWENTY YEARS AGO in the United States. Land of the Free my ass. And yes, it was SCOTUS, that's what every personal liberty is in danger now.


  5. These questions were too heavily dependent on "Queer As Folk" trivia. I mean, both the UK and US versions were groundbreaking in their day but hardly the be-all and end-all of LGBTQ+ history. Puh-leeze. On the more serious questions, I got the correct answers to #1, 2, 7, and 10. Although for #1, I answered with the date when homosexuality was decriminalized in Canada -- 1969. Almost a quarter of a century before you!

    1. Haha
      Yes, that's why I only posted ten. They are in the new QAF reboot, so it makes sense. And of course Canada was ahead of the United States. The United States is provincial and puritan to the ninth.


  6. I am not good with dates... though I would love to learn all the answers. That's what google is for! So I don't have to remember anything... I just google it. I appreciate and celebrate gay history in my own fashion... those annoying posts about vintage gay pulp fiction, for example... so I think I honor where we come from, almost on a daily basis. But I do think younger generations don't understand what it was like to live in real fear... I remember thinking that if I declared or was discovered to be gay, I would never get cast in a show again. It was constantly being reinforced - this is masculine - that is gay and gay was never okay. Gay was bad. My first mentor, she shamed me so badly so many times - and it was subtle and angry and it hurt. I'm so glad it's different now. Kizzes.

    1. By the way... I love Ryan. Special had an amazing first season and I think he's cute as a bug.

    2. Hahaha
      Same. Terrible with dates, even bdays. And you have no idea how google has fucked up everything. I cannot retain anything because all I do is ask Siri shit. And I love your vintage gay porn posts. LOVE THEM! It's kind of a lost art at this point. If I had the material and the patience, I'd have a blog with just vintage beefcake.
      And I totally believe you felt that way. Some people still believe it, sadly.



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