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Let's talk about midterm strategy and marriage equality....

The idea that Cheeto is done is silly. The MAGAt rhetoric is alive and kicking.  And the Repugs know that. That's why they still tolerate Cheeto and even defend him (Little Marco Rubio has been seen groveling and saying the security breach at Mar-a-Lardo was a matter of 'storage', something he did not think when it was Hillary, natch). And that's something that is going to become even more evident as we approach the midterms.

One of Cheeto's paybacks was to give the religulous free rein when legislating personal freedoms. That's why SCOTUS, full of handpicked bigots, struck down Roe V. Wade. And that's not the end of it:

Thomas has laid out two paths to achieve his social agenda. One, as the public quickly took note of, is to boldly overturn the cases that recognized the constitutional right to same-sex marriage and struck down bans on sodomy and contraception. This would allow state legislatures to prohibit these things outright. Thomas’ other strategy is more subtle, but it, too, would erode some of the rights we take for granted today, particularly marriage equality. Importantly, Thomas is not making an either/or proposition here; it’s clear that he wants to pursue both paths.

Some Dems are using that less-than-veiled threat to energize their base. And I think it's a good strategy. The Dems need to let the MAGAts use the all the rope the Orange Hitler gives them and then just pull. It's a win/win situation when you let the fascists talk. That is, if the gays do not fuck it up and decide they're untouchable. Because you know that even people who were there for Obergefell, think they're safely protected by the law. But the Repugs (and this SCOTUS, in particular) will go for the Free Exercise Cause again. They've done it before. And that's an open door for the religulous wrong to push for the abolition of any mention of marriage equality at a national level. Remember Kim Davis? That motherfucking cow is one of the few things I have not been able to forget concerning the wingnuts and marriage equality. 

If the court takes up Thomas’ invitation to expand religious rights for public employees, same-sex couples could see their own rights significantly rolled back. “It would drive a truck size hole” in the right to marry the person you love, says Litman. 

Democrats need to put the Repugs on the spotlight concerning Marriage Equality and they also need to show up for the midterms. Because if they don't, the Repugs will get away with murder again and again. Literally. 


P.S. The Repugs are also making grand gestures to attract MAGAts.:


  1. Even if the idea of what the GOP might do seems ridiculous, why not work to codify some of these rights into law.
    PS I heard someone call it Mar-Illegal.

    1. Oh the Dems are gonna try and codify marriage. The Repugs will block it.
      And Mar-Illegal? PERFECT!


  2. Anonymous9/13/2022

    As we saw with Roe, the rights we thought were untouchable are now fair game. They’re just waiting for the cases to make it to SCOTUS. Starting to codify these rights is a MUST DO. And once we get one win, we keep going. These fascists have to be called out, it’s the only thing that will wake up the sleeping giant.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Nobody thought they'd touch Roe. And yet, here we are.
      The repugs are digging their heels cause they need the evilgelical vote.


    2. Anonymous9/28/2022

      Never think "No they won't." The reality is, this is just red meat for their base. What they really want is more "rules for thee and not for me"

  3. Anonymous9/13/2022

    Big says,
    The issue is that the remaining rights we hold are all based on the right to privacy. Roe was based on that and we saw how easily and quickly SCOTUS removed that. It's pretty nauseating. If the Dems don't show up in Nov, we'll see an extreme turn toward authoritarian oligarchy. XOXO

    1. And if that happens....were done.

    2. Correct.
      It's all about privacy: abortion, gay sex, interracial marriage. All of them. People NEED to vote Dem in November, for real.


  4. Do you know that Mar a Lago sounds so italian? mare = sea + lago = lake

    1. Right!
      I think it's because of the location. It's a beautiful estate. It'll forever be associated with Cheeto and that'll stain its legacy.


    2. bad and sad association!

    3. Absolutely.
      But Cheetolini corrupts everything he touches...


    4. Anonymous9/28/2022

      It's Spanish

  5. They want to pass a law outlawing long-term abortion because they think that's the only winning thing they have. Republicans have so insulated themselves from average Americans, they have become clueless.

    1. Oh, abortion and the notion that big cities are 'dangerous' are their only weapons. And you're not the first person that tells me that they are not in touch with middle America. I agree.


  6. I agree wholeheartedly with all you said...but I worry many dems are gonna fuck it up and not show up because they are disappointed that certain things have still not been addressed. Like myself. Am I. Sold on Biden??? Hell no. Do I like him and has he done what he can ? Yes. But these dumb shits that don't vote should then at least vote for other dems in their primaries then. If your not happy vote for another dem...instead of not voting. I'll never understand that mentality. In the past if I was not happy with my current Dem I would vote for their primary opponent

    1. Oh, I KNOW the gays will be like: meh.
      I know those faggots are gonna get us all fucked because they think they're safe and that their Banana Republic knees will be unsullied. People don't know how to vote, dear. They cannot see beyond their noses.


  7. Maddie makes an excellent point. Show up. Vote. And Clarence is a sham of a man... laziest justice ever. He's written ONE opinion during his entire time on the bench. Just a waste of space. I despise him.

    1. Correct!
      People have a whole buffet of candidates behind them. They're just too lazy.
      And fuck Clarence and fuck his evil wife.


  8. Anonymous9/28/2022

    I still don't see why Democrats can't just jettison the Karen vote in favor of workers. Trying to win Karens was one of Clinton's major mistakes.


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