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Huluween Dragstravaganza

Oh, yes. Last year Hulu gave us the Jinx and Dela Holiday Special and this year, they give us a big Hulu informercial all Dragged up. It's incredibly fun, absolutely camp and crammed with innuendo and shenanigans. Yes, please!

The thing is, it not only includes some of the most fun Ru girls but it brings us @LadyBunny and the inimitable @JackieBeat. Oh, yes, hunny. It's fun. The whole rump is quite enjoyable and I was left wanting more. It's a short, sweet treat, perfect just before All Hallow's Eve.

The music is fun, the puns come left and right and when they let Lady Bunny and Jackie Beat loose, you know the other girls have to pedal to catch up. It's very Rocky Horror Picture Show meets Drag Race and that's a good thing.

My favorite part? Mario Diaz, a queer fixture who managed to bring me back from the dead. Oh, yes. Daddy could do me GOOD. And twice during the full moon.

So if you have time, and a Hulu password (or a friend with a subscription) go watch. It's fun! And bring some candy.



  1. Anonymous10/17/2022

    This is on my watch list. The big open you posted looks fun so this is my task for this week. Thanks babe.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, bae.
      It's so much fun. And the costumes!! Very entertaining.


  2. Replies
    1. It is!
      I was not expecting it to be half as fun. But it's got Lady Bunny and Jackie Beat, so yeah.


  3. I love it. And as always Bunny didn't even need a mask...bitch is already scary enough!!!! Have you seen her bunions? I still wish we could get a drag show with all other queens. It seems every drag event is saturated with Ru girls. Nothing against them, but we cant escape them.

    1. Hahahaha
      Ohhh gurl she's gonna come for ya! LMAOOOO
      I'll have to say that Bunny and Jackie ate. It's always good to have the pros let the children HAVE IT.
      And I don't mind the Ru girls. They're fab.


  4. And helloooooooo to my fave, Ginger Minj! Always a delight!

    1. She always is!
      OMG and girl can SANG!


  5. Mario Diaz? I can understand why you love him so much!

    1. I just followed his https://www.instagram.com/gayunclemario/

    2. Haha yes, he's hot.
      I like that kind of man, you know? Well, of course you do.
      And I'll go peek in his Insta right away!


  6. OK, so now I have to renew my subscription to Hulu. And, if Mario Diaz comes to my door for trick or treat he can expect to get both.

    1. Hahahaha
      If you do, get the bundle with Disney! And get the Hulu with commercials. It's like cable tv but cheaper!


    2. Also, Mario IS yummy.
      Yes, please.


    3. Anonymous10/18/2022

      Totally agree with Six, the Disney Hulu and ESPN bundle is the way to go, though I have yet to tune into ESPN.

  7. I would like me some Mario, pluhleeze! He could spread me like mayonnaise. Yum. The BF has Hulu. We've watched a few things, but he's kind of ornery when it comes to suggestions. So? I am back home and exhausted. I love being somewhere, I just can't deal with airports and planes and connections and layovers. Kizzes.


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