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Oh, Aston...

So I have decided that I need to do more stretching. And after reading Dave's post yesterday about his muscles being sore after battling a peach tree, I think that stretching before doing my run is the thing to do. It's just running, but I know that warming up your muscles before exercising is essential for not fucking up something.

I am not a gym kinda guy, go figure. On the one hand, my free time during the week is kinda limited (I commute to work) and during the weekend, I'm trying to catch up with everything I did not do during the week, so there's that. Add to it that I feel kinda intimidated by the exercise machines they have at gyms and I find them foreboding and you'll have a perfect cocktail of no fucks given for a gym. 

Maybe if they have free weights? 
Nah, I wouldn't do it anyway. I used to go to a gym to do aerobics and some non-aerobic lifting many moons ago, but I don't have the time or the patience to do that nowadays. So I'll just stick to some stretching, a warm-up and then a mile run. That sounds good, right?

I think I'm going to try Aston's little stretching routine, though. It looks doable. Also, Yoga seems to be an exercise, so yeah. I'm going to start this weekend with a little stretching and then I'll do my run. After all, this body needs more and more work every year that passes. I've seen the changes my body has gone through these last years (the Pandemic and its mandatory sweatpants did NOT help). I can still fit in my pants (thank goodness!) but I know that the more we exercise, the better we'll feel.

Who knows, one day I may even feel as good as Aston looks...



  1. I know many people swear by yoga to keep them supple. Seems to me it would have good side effects in other areas of life too . . . .

    1. I have heard that too!
      I think it's a great exercise and it relaxes me.


  2. I think Aston makes more $$$ from his YouTube channel than he does his OF, which is pricy. Yoga's fine. A better yoga channel is Dean Pohlman's Man Flow Yoga, if you're interested. https://manflowyoga.com/about-us/

    1. Oh, I was very surprised when I learned of the MANY people who are underwear fetishists and will pay good money for the content Aston creates. Also, there's disclaimers on youtube, of course, so they don't close him down and he makes money there too.
      And I think I've seen manflow on youtube...


  3. Anonymous10/14/2022

    Big says,
    Oh, how I miss my naked yoga classes. I don't know if it would necessarily work as a "stretching" exercise prior to a run, but it would def do as a warm-up. It will limber you up, too. But if you're concerned about time...yoga shouldn't be rushed. Namaste! XOXO

    1. I like the idea of warming up with Yoga.
      It's so.... fluid? Connected? I think it centers me in my body. The only problem is time.


  4. I like yoga for the calming meditative aspects of it.

    1. Same!
      I sometimes do incense and the works. It's fun.


  5. Anonymous10/14/2022

    After watching Aston’s video I think I could get into yoga…watching it, not doing it 😜. I found it interesting that when he posted the social media logos on the video, OF was first.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      Oh, it figures. He's quite the sight, no?
      And you KNOW he's naked on OF.


  6. I usually do a 5 mile run every day. Well a walk run I walk part and run part. And I have always done stretching beforehand. For the exact reasons you state if your muscles aren't relaxed and stretched you may pull something.

    And I'm so not a gym person either. I do do exercises at home. But sometimes I look out the window and see people exercising running playing sports, it gets me to thinking I should really get up off this sofa, and fix myself another gin and tonic!

    1. That is awesome.
      I only do a mile. And I walk/run too. Intervals, they call it. And I can't with the gym. I'd rather go for that gin and tonic!


  7. Whenever I have done yoga, I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

    1. Isn't it awesome?
      I could really get into it...


  8. Anonymous10/16/2022

    Downward Dog is my favorite position. (for many things)

    1. Hahaha
      I think I've practiced that position before and after yoga, too!


  9. Haces muy bien. Encantada, soy Noa ;)

  10. love this sexy nice guy.

    Here is his IG (private) channel: https://www.instagram.com/king_aston_/

    1. He's very sexy.
      And yes, his IG is private. Worth the adding it, though.



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