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The Enlightenment

Ok, so it's official, babes.  I'm going to see @Madonna do her 40th anniversary (yeah, Madge was a flash in the pan, sure!)  Celebration Tour. These tix are for the second date, mind you. The first date was sold out in a day (fucking scalpers!). And so, she had to add a date in Chicago. So much for people 'not liking' Madonna, right? The Material Girl still's got it.

And the funny thing is that we actually bought reasonably priced tix. No, I'm not down on the floor, dear, I'm not a #richgay and I do not want to spend $2000 in a concert ticket. But I have enjoyed @Madonna's concerts from the bleachers before (this is my fourth) and I think they've appreciated better from a little far because girl puts on a SHOW. She'g got lights, and costumes and huge screens and dancers and the works. I did see Madame X from closer, though, but that one was staged in a smaller venue. My girl is going back to stadiums. I can't wait. And I'll bring dough for merch. I need at least two t-shirts. 

Let's gooooooo!


And of course, the xtianists are all up in arms because of this Vanity Fair Europe cover. Because sacrilege or some other stupid fuckery. So predictable. Didn't they do this back in 1989??


  1. Anonymous2/03/2023

    That’s awesome babe. I’m sure you bought one for me and you’re taking me for my SIGNIFICANT birthday 😎.

    But seriously, I know how much you love her and I’m glad you’ll get to see her again. And fuck the xtianists. They’re a dying breed (but not fast enough).

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha I would LOVE to see you at a Madonna concert!!!
      And I do like my gurl. And the xtianists are ALWAYS up in arms about some fuckery.


  2. Floor seats are never good unless you're up front. I hope you don't lose your money.

    1. I know, right?
      I have seldom been at the floor. We had floor seats for Cher and I was up dancing all night. The rest? They were SITTING DOWN. Even during the Chic numbers! What??
      I think she'll be in good shape. She's got two years to recover of those shot knees.


  3. Enjoy! And I for one LOVE that Vanity Fair cover!

    1. I will!
      And I do too! It looks like a real church icon! Worth framing.


  4. Say what you mean about Madonna, but I love when she gets racy and controversial with the religious people! But we too will be seeing her at Madison Square Garden. My friend does a lot of PR for the gardens so we got very good ticket prices. It'll be a whole fun weekend of New York City.

    1. I know right?
      She just know which buttons to push. And it ALWAYS works. LOL Idiots.
      And you have to let us know what you think! Ohhh totally jelly of a whole New York Weekend!!


  5. Anonymous2/03/2023

    Big says,
    Good for you, dude! You outwitted the scalpers - not easy to do.
    Love that cover. The idjits will dump on anything these days, won't they? XOXO

    1. Hahaha
      It was my manfriend Brian. He's the one who always scores good tix for concerts.
      And I thought that after Like a Prayer and Pepsi the xtofascists had nothing to say. But of course, I was wrong.


  6. I'm very happy for you.

    1. Haha
      Thanks, Jimmy!
      Love me some Madonna.


  7. I will live vicariously though you and trust you'll enjoy it far more than I ... though some of her old stuff would be good.

  8. I will probably live through you....I love her...but not sure if tickets are still on sale or even available anymore? I do have every album and every video (via iTunes). Some hard copies--CD.

  9. She will also come to Italy. Images of madonnas with hearts pierced by daggers are very common especially in Southern Italy. Let's not forget the Italian origin of Madonna (one of her real names) Louise Veronica Ciccone.

    Mick Jagger said that Madonna was (is) a thimble of talent in an ocean of ambition. If we think of all that she managed to do with her "little" talent, we have to bow to her ambitious determination. I don't think how many, even if more talented, would have managed to do more.


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