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Here's the thing: I wish I had more discipline and could do something like this. Maybe for a special occasion? There is this thing (totally socially construed) that men just let themselves go because they are 'men'. Well, fuck that. I truly like the final results here but I'm afraid I don't have the dexterity necessary to apply the products. Also, I don't have the products. It would take a trip to Sephora -and some coin- to get all I need.

Well, that, and maybe Maddie giving me some pointers so I don't look a fright or hurt myself with an eyelash curler. I am always fascinated watching someone doing makeup or those ten-step beauty routines. There's something really soothing about the process, at least according to me. And there's a true artistry behind make up. After all, you are still painting on a surface. The laws of chiaroscuro probably apply here, too!

But I really like the self-care process, TBH. Lately, I have taken to making sure that at least two days a week I have a 'ME' moment and indulge in a face mask and a good book. Seriously: no phone, no TV, no nothing. Just me and some peace.

I don't need much more. Well, maybe 100K dollars but hey.


P.S. Want some summer Pride viewing? Try Glamorous. It's on Netflix (you know what to do) and it's like the Devil Wears Prada meets Succession. And it has Kim Kattrall in it. GAY!

Happy Pride!


  1. Totally Team Kim!!!
    I am not a Make-up Gay either because it's never really interested me, and I'm afraid I'd go from Bland Man to Drag Queen Painted With A Roller before I knew it.

    1. Hahahaha Painted with a Roller.
      That could be the name of our youtube channel with makeup tutorials!!!



  2. Great craft and I understand makeup is his job or at least his hobby but I prefer him natural. He is a wonderful gray fox, beautiful and full of charm!

    1. Oh, he's fab.
      And I think he's a wonderful gray fox, with and without makeup.
      To tell you the truth, if he didn't tell us, I would not have guessed he had anything on...


    2. does he really need anything? I think no!

    3. That's according to us.
      What about what HE thinks? Maybe he feels more confident/handsome/happy with make up?


  3. Anonymous6/27/2023

    Like Bob, I’ve had no interest in makeup. I believe I’m aging gracefully, but my eyesight is failing, so it could all be in my head 😝. But he does look good, and I was hoping that he would take care of that shine on his forehead.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. OMG LOL
      I think that would have implied some loose powder and he was going for 'natural', so yeah. A little shine.

      And your eyesight is fine when it comes to those naked boys on Twitter, so no worries...


  4. Men who let themselves go are, for lack of a better word, lazy and by that I mean those who let themselves get fat. Not a makeup person here. Most faces have a natural beauty, once you start dealing with makeup you begin dabbling with artifice.

    1. Well, this is not really about gaining weight.
      And remember some people do struggle with the pounds. Especially after we turn forty. And makeup as artifice? Maybe.
      But you are only enhancing what you already have...


  5. The makeup industry must be looking for new consumers to buy all its obscenely overpriced and not necessarily safe products.

    1. It IS a multibillion business. No lie.
      And I was listening to Willam's podcast and he said that the FDA has a very stringent process when it comes to makeup. Really. That's why I only buy -cheap- well known or certified indie brands...


  6. Well when I was in my 30's or 40's or maybe even in my 50's I might have done that if I had been aware of it. But these days, even though I usually do not really like what I see in the mirror most often. I do try to flaunt my wrinkles with the pride of someone who has earned them. No makeup, no plastic surgery, nothing but the real me like it or leave it.

    1. Yes!
      And flaunting one's wrinkles is awesome. They HAVE been earned.
      And I'm too terrified of plastic surgery to even try it. Really.


  7. Well I will admit I take at least three me moments a week. And I do a skincare regime almost every morning and night. And I swear by doing a mask once a week. And sometimes before I get ready I do the old Joan Crawford trick of Dipping my face in a ice bath which tightens the skin. And there's nothing to an eyelash curler. My TMI moment of the day is I actually use a curler everyday!

    And PS I sent you an email but I'm not sure I sent it to the right place...lol!

    1. I will follow your lead and add one ME moment to my week.
      And I like the idea of the ice water! Joan did GIVE face, no?
      And I just responded to your email. You're too cool!!!


  8. No, dear. Oh, no, dear, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. My idea of giving great face? Wash it. Trim it. Cocoa butter. And a bit of sun... my summer look is fabulous. Though I will probably pay for it in 20 years. And by then? Who cares? Kizzes.

    1. Hahaha
      I love how you react to this. And it's a choice, of course. Some people do not do makeup and have never even thought about it. I'd like to try it.
      And I love cocoa butter!!!



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