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Oh, Manila...

Yes! Something dirty for your weekend (and to celebrate that I'll be going to PrideFest here in Chi) here's @manilaluzon doing a hysterically dirty parody of @kaylieminogue's ubiquitous Padam Padam. I am not certain how long it will stay on YouTube (they are notoriously adverse to fun sexy things but they are fine with fascist assholes) so here's a link to Reddit, where you can watch the hilariously dirty one-minute masterpiece.

And of course the short clip has caused a stir (probably in someone's pants) because you know that being a cumdump (ANSFW) is not very PC. At all. Nevertheless, the filthy lyrics are absolutely funny:

“Cumpdump, cumdump / I feel you in my hole / cumdump, cumdump / You know I wanna take it all / Cumpdump / I’m taking all your loads / Cumdump, cumdump / With all your bros, Cumdump”

I love it when Drag artists are irreverent, daring, have their finger on the pulse of pop culture and DGAF about anything. Drag is punk rock. 

And that's just a sample. As you can imagine, I will buy it as soon as she puts it out. Come through, Manila!

Happy Pride!


P.S. recommended Pride Month Viewing:


  1. Replies
    1. Will do!
      It's gonna be fun. I'll only go one day, but I promise I'll make the most out of it!


  2. The video is age restricted, did you know that? And only available on YouTube

    1. Ha!
      Duh. Youtube will age restrict anything 'sex'. And this is dirty. But it's on Manila's twitter. And on Reddit. Click the links...


  3. Anonymous6/15/2023

    What a hoot! YouTube was kind enough to provide a link to open it on their platform where they do the age verification.

    I hope you have a ton of fun at PrideFest. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. So that pretty much gives you free reign 😝

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, you know youtube stalks you, no matter what. It's similar to what blogger does with blogs with a warning. It wants to know who the perverts are. It lets the Nazis go, though...
      And I am gonna try and follow your advice. To the letter...


  4. Have a fabulous Pride!
    The song isn't for everybody, but it's fun and campy and irreverent and dirty and there's a whole audience out there for that!

    1. Will do!
      It's more like a block party but the faggotry will be INTENSE and I'm here for it. I'm hoping Boomer Banks is there again, hosing people down from a lifeguard stand...


  5. Big says,
    Have fun at PrideFest. But --- and you know I have to say this --- be careful.
    The trailer is quite intriguing. XOXO

    1. Awww
      Will do! I'm going with my boys, so I'll be safe. And that documentary is very eye opening. Lady G should watch it.


  6. Have a great time at the Chicago Pridefest, Sixpence. Look forward to hearing all about it.

    1. Thanks, Mr. Shife!
      I'll try to take pics! Of course a lot may be of men in speedos, but hey...


  7. Thanks heavens you posted the lyrics because I couldn't make out two words she was saying. That is pretty cutting edge and dirty for Manila your right. I can only imagine what Bunny or Jackie Beat would do with it.

    I will be hitting Balitmore Pride this weekend. It's great being in this area...with Philly, Harrisburg, DC, Balitmore and New York all within two hours of each other. Next weekend is the blow out for me...Pride Island in NYC! After last weekend with the foursome with the Asian throuple up at the Woods Pride,I must be-HAVE myself!!! Talk about a cum dump!!!!! Have fun Six!!!

    1. Hahaha
      I kept hearing Kylie's lyrics, because Padam Padam is such an earworm. And you are right, it's Lady Bunny/Jackie Beat territory! I cackled, though..
      And yay for Baltimore Pride! And for foursomes!!


  8. Obviously I loved the parody. I'm not a cumdump, but I can become a sperm-DNA-in-my-stomach-bank if I want. So proud cumwhore. Imho, it's a magic liquid.
    About last video: yes, they're fighting against themselves

    1. I think it was super funny.
      And cumwhores are always welcome here!


  9. So...? Do they expose these men? Out Rage. I want to see it if they do. If it's blurred pics of men never named... then? What is it? I will have to find out. As for YouTube and Twit-land - they are incredibly homophobic with their censorship. Thing is... people who don't want to listen to songs about cumdumps won't be clicking on or looking for songs about cumdumps. And if they accidently do click on it... then they can click the hell off of it. That's my response to both these platforms... they can click they hell off. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, you have to watch the documentary. It's eye opening.
      And Youtube is VERY sex-phobic. They demonetize anybody doing sex ed.
      And I totally agree with you. That's why my blog has an advisory!
      But you know people....



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