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Stop The Car…!


Yeah, I know, that's @Maddie's line. But we may be in a pickle. Or better put, in an LGBTQ State of Emergency. As @MichalinNorfolk puts it:

As CNN reported earlier this week, the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT rights advocacy organization in the USA  declared a national state of emergency in the face of growing anti-LGBT right wing extremism and Christofascist efforts to roll back LGBT rights and once again depict LGBT individuals as "perverts" and a threat to children even though the vast majority of child molesters are self-identified straight white males, many of whom are pastors, Catholic priests and church youth group leaders (a blogger friend posts on average four or five cases of clergy sexual abuse per day, seven days a week. Indeed, many fear the civil rights gains for LGBT Americans over the last two decades are now threatened.

We are in a dire situation. What, you thought everything was fine? That Anita Bryant was a thing of the past? Think again.

@HRC has has put out a guide on how to identify friendly states, determine your access to healthcare, finding a job, financing a move and creating community. Also, some pointers if you decide to stay in a state that may discriminate against you. Because that happens.

There is also a guide to the United States and where it's safe to go. Oh, you may have passing privilege, dear. But not all Americans enjoy that. For some people, it means they may have to leave their state. There's legislation in their states that would make parents of Trans and non-binary children consider leaving their state. There's people's jobs that are threatened by the law. A look at that graphic and you know we're in trouble.

This is for real. First it was radio static after same sex marriage was legalized, then it was baking cakes, then it was Trans people, then it was Drag Artists, now it's... you. There are laws advancing at this moment to curtail your freedoms. Yes, even the masc 4 masc dudes will be affected by this.


So yes. You may think none of these would touch you. But if it's not the gender-affirming care ban, it could be the Bathroom ban or the Sports participation ban or the LGBTQ+ erasure ban or the 'Don't say gay' law or the Pronoun Refusal ban or the Forced Student outing law or the Anti-Drag law. Oh, you really think none of those touch you because you're entrenched in your privilege? 

Well, think again. they will come for you, Constant Reader. No matter your age, your socioeconomic status, your khaki pants and your Polo shirt. No matter your passing privilege. No matter how much you can blend in with the Christofascist Cisgender Heterosexuals. They will come for you, too. 

Now, where's a pie when you need one?

Happy Pride!


P.S. recommended viewing for today:


  1. Anonymous6/12/2023

    These are scary times indeed. The outright hate that’s being displayed on a regular basis is astounding. It’s been brewing for a long time but was made acceptable in the 2016 campaign. Everything that’s been gained over the last 20 or so years is now on the chopping block. We have to be aware and be safe in what we do. With the summer travel time upon us, make sure you’re aware of your surroundings and, if possible, don’t go alone.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I am continually amazed of the steps backwards we're taking.
      The advent of Mango Mussolini definitely brought the worst to the forefront. You know the religulous wrong made a feast of his winning the White House.
      It's the right to privacy what they're coming for.
      And you know me. I never go South of Springfield without a motorcade.


  2. Oh yes, Anita Bryant's pie in the face -- I remember that!

    1. That See You Next Tuesday.
      And she's still alive. Ugh.


  3. This is exactly what I and that staff member were talking about over the weekend at the Gay Pride festivity I was at. When we had all three branches of the government, we should have been doing a lot more than and passing a lot more things, even if our numbers were close in the chambers. We should have railroaded it through. It drives me nuts because I know I'm going to be bombarded with Democrats and their campaign cries of support for this. And that....and the LGBT rights... or for this issue, or for this issue. And most likely I'll vote for them even though they'll be new Democratic candidates. But we've got to stop to talk and put action forth. Otherwise everything that Obama did is just going to be unraveled and worse. This is why I get mad with politicians making these promises ...they sort of hold it over our heads almost as if they're threading if you don't vote for us you won't get these things. Yet when they're in office none of these things come up. Or they don't push them through. Then the next election cycle they bring all the same topics up again. It's just a broken wheel that just keeps spinning. And I'm about at my wits and.

    1. I agree with you.
      I believe that when we had the three branches of the government there was still interference from the Repugs (McConnell) and some things could just not be done (remember Merrick Garland?)
      And the next elections are gonna be a battle. People think they only have to vote in the main election, but we have to make sure that we tell them to vote in EVERY election. That's how we get new blood in the Dem party and break the cycle.
      Now, if you want to run for office, I'll be part of your PR force. Deal??


    2. No doubt working under the desk!!!!!!!!!

      I love your faith in me...but with my impatience and mouth I suspect I wouldn't get to far....😂😂😂

  4. I am sad and extremely discouraged that the christofascits and their ilk have so much hate or fear in their hearts that they continue on this path. And the people they should want to keep away from the kids are the straight white males, who continue to get free passes and will be the beneficiaries of these cruel laws.

    1. Same, Mr. Shife. Same.
      It's the same old playbook: Think Of The Children! Religulous Freedom! Blah, blah, blah. And everybody just follows. It's frustrating. And you are right: it's the Youth Pastors and the Priests the ones they should be aware of.... Not that it'll happen...


  5. Big says,
    Oh, yes. Have we not been saying that all along? First they came for the Blacks and the Jews and the Immigrants. You will be next. Actually, the christofascists will be coming for everyone and anyone who doesn't meld to their way of thinking. Look at the laws being passed about the 10 Commandments required to be in school classrooms, the religious charter schools being handed public funds. This is history repeating itself because a clear segment of the voting population can't bring themselves to acknowledge the truth of it.
    It amazes me the number of LBTQ folks who continue to travel to FL to spend their hard-earned dollars. SMFH.

    1. Yes, we have, Big.
      And I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face (vote Blue no matter who, that is). And yes, they'll come from anybody and everything that does not fit THEIR vision of the world. Talk about Fascism.
      And traveling to FL is NOT an option right now. But I would go to Disney World. Just to make Meatball Ron mad.


  6. We need to speak up, stand up, SHOUT THE FUCK UP, and Vote Vote Vote, and demand our allies do the same for us. We need to stay out of Florida and Texas and Tennessee and any state that bans any member of our community.
    Remember, when they come for one of us, they are coming for all of us.

    1. Yes!
      That's why I stand on my little soapbox at the least provocation (and I thank you for stepping on yours!). I would never visit those places (unless I'm doing something extremely gay, like attending Gay Days). I carefully review where I go these days. For real.
      And you are right, when they come for one of us they are coming for ALL of us.


  7. unfortunately also in Europe and in Italy there is a return to the right. We currently have the most right-wing government since 1945. In Italy, LGBT associations are trying to maintain the rights that have been hard won in recent years. In Italy there are no marriages, only civil unions. Click here to know what are they!

    1. Oh, Yes.
      The Right is taking over many European countries. I cannot explain it, after so many of them suffered under it (Franco, Mussolini!). I hope the LGBTQ associations can keep it at bay.
      And I've heard of civil unions. Many, many countries have them. And many of these countries as overwhelmingly catholic, too!


    2. Really not-so amazing - the Repuglicans came after women first and then the gays. That's why we have to vote in record numbers, and educate, educate, educate. Empathy can be learned. All brains are capable... they just have to stop being so bloody lazy.

    3. Absolutely.
      Reproductive rights was a test drive. And people cannot understand how important voting is. Really!
      And I'm afraid that lazy thinking has a ton to do with the inertia that lack of voter participation...



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