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A Day in the Life

First of all, Thom Browne is Daddy and he could get it any day ending in 'y'. Damn them legs. And he's at that age when men are most interesting. Yes, please!

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk about what 'haute couture' means:

haute couture
noun U ]
/ˌoʊt kuːˈtʊr/
/ˌəʊt kuːˈtjʊər/
(the business of making) expensive clothes of original design and high quality
So there. So this is not what we get at Sears. It's not what we get at Target. It is NOT what we wear to go to Trader Joe's or to the dentist. Now that we've clarified that, I invite you to watch this video. It's an eye-opening incursion into a designer's mind and what really means to 'put together' a fashion collection. 

The details, the workmanship, the talent involved, the hard work, the fantastic ideas, the time, the money, the number of people involved, the sheer amount of creativity, everything is beyond what anybody on Main Street can think goes into 'fashion'. Well, maybe that's why it's called Haute Couture. These are incursions into a designer's mind. Will this trickle down to Main Street? You bet. H&M and Zara will put out some versions of some of this sometime next year. After all, he's taking some staples and elevating them. Main Street will follow loosely.

I'm also going to post here the actual collection: a wild trip (it takes after all, place in a train station) through fabulous silhouettes and luxurious textures that many of us (I would be the first one buying a ticket if I had the dough, honey) would like to take. Ready for the ride?

Also, I would shank a bitch to work in that office. I would faint if I could wear Thom Browne everyday as a work uniform. The tailoring slaps.


P.S. here's the full collection. Brace yourself.


  1. a theater show rather than a fashion show. The use of all the shades from off to gray is brilliant, but some dresses are too weird for my taste.

    1. Well, it's both?
      I think the runway show is like an art installation: the designer chooses the colors, the order of the looks, the production, to make his vision a reality. And some of those designs actually are made to show the creativity of the designer. I don't think they are made for people to wear them on the daily...


    2. The conception of the fashion show made theatrical is a good idea. At least something different. They're not clothes meant to be worn every day, of course. But really, I think the only thing I can appreciate about these clothes is the use of colours.

    3. And that's fine!
      I love me some gray, too! And Browne makes it seem super stylish.


  2. I agree it's much more theater than fashion because the clothes really aren't wearable as is, but it's still stunning.
    As usual some of the coats are killing me ... maybe a second mortgage on the house so I can buy a couple???

    1. It's a mise en scéne, that's clear.
      Haute Couture designers need people to talk about their runways because that's how they get the ink running. And many of the clothes there are made to show the designer's skill, even though I'd kill to fit in one of those skirts/jackets combos. And the ACCESSORIES!!
      And I would probably need a house and then mortgage it to death to be able to afford any of these things. But they are sooooo pretty!!


  3. Anonymous7/11/2023

    Oh I could see me wearing the gold seersucker suit to church on Sunday. All the boys would be turning their heads.

    As you said, this will trickle down in some form. The amount of detail and workmanship in this is mind boggling.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahahaha
      The gold one, huh? I can just see you. Bet even the altar boys would stop with the incense when you walk in.
      And I think because shorts and dress shoes will be so big next year, this will trickle down to some fast fashion. And the workmanship killed me. Really. Those are really one of a kind garments. And that's why people will pay good money for them.


  4. Sorry, it looks like a bad production of the Marquis de Sade by David Lynch.

    1. Wait, what?
      I need tix for that production STAT. Even when bad, David Lynch is excellent.


  5. All so very....unwearable. But it will be interesting to see what trickles down to streetwear. Hey, I've often thought that men should be the ones in skirts --- we have the need for the room, don't ya know. XOXO

    1. And most are not made to be worn.
      Many of those garments (especially the cloches-inspired looks) are made to show the designer's mastery. Remember, these garments are made-to-order. The most wearable will go to one of the South Korea stores, where one of the K-pop stars will appear wearing them.
      And he's put men in skirts forever. I would love to wear one of those shown here, TBH.


    2. And then you have me....that would wear the couture pieces!!! I think we have to remember like you said many of these are prototypes. Much like Sleek prototype cars we see.. many never actually hit the road, but there's two or three things from each prototype that actually end up in a car. The same thing with fashion.

    3. Correct!
      I've been trying to tell people this for YEARS. Very few people end up with one of the actual pieces on the runway. They usually go to the archives. And also, you'd need to be a sample size. Which fuck those bitches who look so fabulous.


  6. About a week ago I saw the tape from this fashion show and thought it was incredible, but not surprising because I love grays. I dare say it's one of the most creative elegant Hulk Couture shows and collections I have seen since the days of Galliano and McQueen. Tom Brown is one of the few designers that still shows creativeness and leaves most of the others in the dust. I would have no problem layering in a Couture piece with an everyday wardrobe.

    1. Same.
      I think there's few designers doing couture at this point. And Browne is one of them. The craftsmanship, the construction, and the tailoring are outstanding. The fact that he is this creative and still wildly successful, tells you all you need to know.
      CAN YOU IMAGINE having one of his pieces?


    2. Yes, yes I can! And those gowns are to die for.

    3. OMG yes.
      And they are WELL MADE. I know someone who scored an original Halston (Fall 1978) and a fucking Chanel number (when Karl was designing Chanel) in a thrift shop in upstate NY and they are fucking fabulous. And they look like new. THAT is what couture is: made to last.


  7. Love his stuff. Great lines. Great respect for 'color' - or the lack of it. He's sweet. I'd have dinner with him. I'd make him talk about anything but his work. A fascinating life.

    1. Same.
      He's done for gray what other designers have done for black, that's for sure. And I totally agree. He IS fascinating. For an American designer to be doing Haute Couture, he should be recognized more...



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