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Oh, Zane...

Here's the tea: in some quarters, I would be considered basic. As in Basic Gay. After all, there really is not anything outstanding about me (except for being slightly mouthy, but who isn't in the blogsphere?). You have to remember that I am just an aging twink who never made it to Twunk and will never be a DILF. As in: in no way, shape or form could I ever look anything like @ZanePhillips. But I suppose I don't have to. After all, I'm not a movie star and Zane is. And movie stars should look like Zane. You may remember him for The Vampire Diaries, but if you don't do cable tv, maybe you'll remember him for Fire Island, where he played the baddie with the good shit. And he's in the the new Glamorous Netflix series, playing Kim Cattrall's son and heir to her empire. Boy has been busy.

And he's not just pretty, natch. Here he tells us about realizing he was gay, acting with the gays and with gay icons and what he reads. Besides, that, just by looking at him, I don't understand why is it that The Gays really need to pine for straight actors when we have men like this batting for our team. Really. Face? Check. Body? Check. Acting credits? Check. And he can think, hunny:

Taking on the role of Chad, particularly the process of preparing for it and immersing himself in the character, has provided Phillips with numerous lessons and personal insights. “I think I learned to just trust in myself and in my abilities a little bit more. It’s an ongoing process, but I think so often we miss that we are in a safe, supportive space while we’re in it. We are so careful in our everyday lives, we’re so suspicious, but we’re vigilant. There’s a hyper vigilance to being queer. A lot of times, that means that you spend more time worrying about how you show up instead of just enjoying the fact that people want you there and people support your talent, and people want to see more of you. There was just such an outpouring of support from within the house, so to speak, that I think that’s something I’m trying to take more into my life.”

So yeah. I hope we really get to see more of Zane. And when I say 'more' I mean acting. You can follow his Insta for some more eye candy, though..



  1. Nice voice, what a shame I don't watch any of the shows he's in... perhaps if he could get himself cast in Sandman... that would be interesting.

    1. But Dave, the idea is to expand your horizons..
      You have Netflix (if you watched The Sandman, then you streamed it there) so just grab some popcorn and sit with Lily and watch Glamorous. Bet she'll enjoy it too.


  2. Big says,
    He's certainly nice to look at. His voice is rather pleasant. I may have to take a gander at Glamorous.... While representation matters, I still long for the day when a person is cast strictly because they 1. Physically fit the character, and 2. They have the acting chops to portray the character. What I mean is: Sexuality has zero bearing on landing a role. XOXO

    1. He is, and it is. I think he may have had some acting classes under his belt.
      And Glamorous is super fun. I binge watched it in one weekend. Very fun.
      And we all wish the casting process would go like that, but alas...


  3. How nice to be so privileged and pretty. He is easy on the eyes and has just enough of a personality to register. Fire Island was fun... don't know the rest of his work, though I do plan on watching Glamorous as soon as I finish what I'm working my way slowly through now. I just don't watch stuff. And you make a great point and one I wish Stanley Tucci would hear... we gays have amazing talents and pretty actors already... we don't need straight ones subbing for us. Thanks for sharing this. I used to adore Stanley until he opened up his big stupid mouth. Now? I think he's a clueless waste of space. Oh, I'd still do him... but, it would be pure hate sex. Kizzes.

    1. He's very charming. And very handsome.
      And Glamorous is very fun, very inclusive. It was refreshing to see the framing of a protagonist been done like that. And Stanley Tucci! *sigh*.


  4. Okay I've never heard of him and never have seen any of the shows you mentioned. But I can totally picture Kim Cattrall playing his mother. But now that you've introduced me I believe I am now ready to get him in the bed so you can tap my ass real good or me his!

    Now you got me wondering what I am. I definitely was a twink but I think I probably would be a twunk now because I'm definitely not a DILTF. Even though the lad sometimes calls me daddy during sex while I'm fucking him, to my dismay.

    1. Oh, Cattrall was in fine form.
      And if you have Netflix (or someone with a password) I recommend Glamorous. Not only cause Zane is there, but because it's super fun and quite balanced in representation (which we don't see often).
      And I do think you're a Twunk. I know men that would absolutely certify that. And the Lad sounds like fun!!!


  5. Anonymous7/12/2023

    Twink, twunk, DILF. All of these are just labels. You know you are desirable and valuable. This is what matters. I know some people are shallow and have their type, but that just eliminates so many possibilities and opportunities.

    Now as for Zane, yes please every day of the week, twice always. Fire Island was a fun romp and highly recommended. Unfortunately I’m not independently wealthy and have limited subscriptions; Hulu and Disney+ - yes, Netflix and Prime-no. The trailer for Glamorous looks fun, but alas, I’m going to miss it. These streaming services need to come up with cross service sharing, where they get a portion of the viewing dollars on other platforms. I think their revenue would increase.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Haha oh bae.
      And Zane is indeed quite handsome. Glamorous is super fun (and very inclusive?). I don't see the streaming services ever getting that close. They all want that streaming money!


    2. Big says,
      I agree, Huntley. These services are out of control. There will come a time when they all start failing (it's already happening to some --- CNN+, anyone?). It really is too much. We have Netflix, Prime, and Max. Friends share their Hulu (have you seen The Bear??? OMG!!!) with us, we share Max with them. XOXO

    3. Ohhh I may have to watch The Bear, then?
      Everybody is talking about it!


  6. He's a hot nugget with a sexy voice and a devilish smirk.
    Smirks always get me.
    Carlos smirks; I melt.

    1. Hahaha
      So that's your Kryptonite, huh?
      And Zane a charming little devil.


  7. What sexy man! imho, he looks a bit like Levi Poulter (here on my blog and here his IG)

    1. Yep, I agree.
      Very sexy. And I'm loving Levi's instagram!!



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