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Marry, fuck, kill. Galley Kitchen edition...

Weren't we talking about houses and their kitchens? What if you had a very generous budget and some help?

You know what to do...



  1. Kill all 3... They focused on appearance, not functionality. Stainless steel cabinets?

    1. I love stainless steel cabinets.
      And they totally make sense here. I have stainless steel micro and convection oven and cooker. The fridge is also stainless steel. They're timeless.
      And appearance is of the importance! It's a design challenge.


  2. Big says,
    Marry Sasha and kill the other two. It's as simple as that. Sasha is the one who understands small spaces shouldn't be done in dark tones which make them look even smaller. This whole "5th wall" thing of putting something on the ceiling just bugs the crap outta me. At least Sasha kept it semi-reflective. The rest of her design just makes sense. XOXO

    1. Oh, I loved the idea of the wallpaper on the ceiling!
      And I don't think the blue tile kitchen is that dark? I loved the stained glass window, too.
      Sasha's open cabinets bug me. I liked she used that Bianca Jagger photo, though..


    2. Open cabinets are quickly becoming a HUGE trend. If your a clean, organized person it looks great. I had one once and displayed my pitcher collection in it.

    3. Yeah, but I somehow want space to make things disappear!
      The key, as you say, is to be neat and organized. Pretty, not practical.


  3. Anonymous9/12/2023

    I really like Courtney’s palette and I’m intrigued by Becky’s slanted cabinets, but the actual mechanics of opening the doors escapes me. Would they be angled down when their open? And they all are crazy about moving that sink. That’s pretty much anchored by the plumbing. That’s the one thing that I cannot let go of in these makeovers.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Courtney's was my Marry, too.
      I'd fuck the Airstream inspired design. It's so fucking over the top you can't help but wonder. And I think the doors stay straight. The doors are slanted.
      And they have the money they can move some plumbing. LOL


  4. I think the spaceship-cruise-ship-looking-mother-fucker-of-a-kitchen I would kill, then revive it and kill it again to make sure it stayed dead.
    The one with the wavy banquette I'd fuck ... cuz there's a banquette.
    Leaving me to marry the pinky/blue/brass number.

    1. Hahahaha
      I thought that was the Bougiest of the Bougiest. Love the wood and the leather and the Airstream inspo! And I would marry the pinky/blue/brass number. That light fixture! And I love the ceiling.


  5. Sasha once again to the rescue!!!!! She had the most functional and less cluttered space and less heavily decorated kitchen, which is what is needed in the size of a galley kitchen. Kill those other two and take their cards away!!!!!!!!!! Those other two never know where to stop. Have they not heard the old Chanel saying... Layer on but remove one thing rule?

    1. I give a hat tip to Courtney for using color. but not sure I like light blue and pink in a kitchen. I'm guessing, she'd do a lovely powder room.

    2. LOL
      Madame Chanel was right!
      My fav is Courtney's. I like Sasha's because it's stylish (and I love the idea of those cabinets). But I love the color in the other one (I know, shocking!).


  6. #1 or #3: they seem lighter. The second seems too oppressive to me

    1. I'm with you about #1.
      I think the second is a little heavy in the bougie. Fab concept, though...



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