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Am Yisrael Chai



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  1. Anonymous10/10/2023

    What's happening in Israel and Gaza is so maddening. The more we learn, the crazier it gets. Netanyahu was warned about the chance for the attack and chose to do nothing. He willingly sacrificed his own citizens to solidify power. Hamas, with the backing of Iran and Putin executed the attack.

    Who suffers in all of this? Those without a voice, the innocent Israeli and Palestinian people. Those that simply want to exist. I had no idea that Israel controlled the water, electricity , and basically all necessities of life in Gaza. Nor did I know how large the population was and how small the territory.

    This conflict has been going on my entire lifetime. I don’t see an end anytime soon. If anything this will escalate far beyond the region, which is what Vlad is hoping for, so that attention is taken off of Ukraine. While the world is distracted he’ll launch some new hell.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  2. It seems that innocent civilians are always the ones who pay the price.

    1. Absolutely.
      The civilians will always suffer in times of war...


  3. Big says,
    Everything Huntley said. And he's correct: Putin's fingerprints are all over this. But so are tRump's. It's been reported that The Orange Ogre passed on details about the Iron Dome to Iran, which then passed that information on to Hamas.
    Terrorists, like Hamas, Al Qaeda, Isis, and the like will never be wiped out. They actually grow with this type of conflict. Just look at the growth rate of terrorist groups right here the good ole U.S. of A., enabled by the GOP.

    1. You're right on about that Pat. These terrorist groups are like cockroaches and will never be eradicated.

    2. Terrorist groups are the lowest of the lowest.
      They feed on misery, death and despair.
      You just KNOW Cheeto's hand is somewhere here...


  4. Terrorists always ignore the civilians casualties because they simply don't care.

    1. Oh, they do not.
      They are in the business of death. And that's all that matters to them. Well, that and money.


  5. I agree with Huntley. This has been going on for sooooooo long...since I've been here....I don't think well ever see an end to it. Netanyahu. Is another pain in the ass. Meanwhile the whole globe seems to be getting in just more turmoil.

    1. Same.
      Ever since they settled there, it's been problematic. It's also been getting smaller and smaller. An open air prison.


  6. It's hate for the sake of hate; war for profit and for power; suffer the people while their countries explode around them.

    1. Correct.
      The business of war. That's what it is.



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