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Oh, Miss Chatelaine ...

Ok, I'm sure you remember this cover. The sultry Cindy Crawford and K.D. Lang in seventh heaven. I'm sure there were men (and many women) who would have done unspeakable things to be on that chair, with Cindy lovingly wielding that straight razor. But it was K.D. Lang who was sitting there, hunny. And she seemed to feel just fine.

K.D. Lang's Ingenue was one of my favorite CDs ever. Up there with Tanita Tikaram's Ancient Heart and Tracy Chapman's self-titled album. What can I say? I like strong women. I also like singer songwriters with something to say. And K.D. Lang had a lot to say. And she said so much, that they stopped playing her songs on the radio. Such were the nineties, when being an out Queer crooner was frowned upon. Basically where the Repugs want to take us back to.

And then yesterday I found this video online. And it seemed like it was yesterday when I heard it on the radio. Funny how music works, huh?

Wanna dance?



  1. Sadly, that's the only song of hers that I never liked.

    1. It's my favorite.
      I've always loved her voice here. I also like the storytelling. She's so good.


  2. I love Tracy Chapman. I have all of her stuff. I never got too much into Tanita Tikaram. As for k.d.? Love it all from this to her more country-infused stuff, "Big Boned Gal"'; a truly gorgeous voice,

    1. SAME!
      And I had no idea K.D. did country until someone gave me one of her first CDs. Her voice is fantastic.


  3. I was hoping this was a duet between k.d. lang and Orville Peck but no, just a remix. Still brought back a lot of memories, though, as you say. Including the fact that as a young teen, I'd had a subscription to the Canadian teen girl magazine "Miss Chatelaine." Gruesome girly girl stuff.

    1. OMG me too!
      Let's manifest it! And I had absolutely no idea there was a teen mag actually called Miss Chatelaine!!! Gruesome girly girl stuff, huh? LOL


    2. Yes, back in those days, the leading women's magazine in Canada was called "Chatelaine" and they were busy grooming their next generation of readers with their teen mag "Miss Chatelaine." That's what makes k.d.'s song so funny for those of us who remember it and understood the reference.

    3. Ohhh
      Now I like the song even better!!!
      The LAYERS!!


  4. Music sometime work like a time machine!

    1. It does!
      This song brought me back. *sigh*
      Oh to be young and carefree...


  5. Big says,
    One of the most incredible voices of your generation. Love it. I've got her CDs.
    The Repugs don't care about the amount of talent - - now if there's a whisper of LGBTQ they want to bury it, make it go away. We all know the only cure for that. XOXO

    1. I love her voice.
      I used to have like four of her CDs. They all died a terrible death when my friend's basement flooded and I lost most of my CDs. And they did not care about talent. Once she came out as Queer, radio literally stopped playing her songs.


  6. Hi, dear. Explanations forthcoming... eventually. Still in the midst of it, I'm afraid. But Inexplicable Device contacted me about the garden thing and suddenly, I felt the need to comment again. I adore all three CDs you mentioned. Twist In My Sobriety is a fave... and covered by Liza Minelli, don't you know! KD... man. That takes me back. No one breaks a heart better than KD. Kizzes. Missed you.

    1. UPTON!

      Oh, hunny. Missed you tons. And Twist in my Sobriety is FABULOUS. I absolutely love that song (and the memories it brings!).

      So glad you're back. I'll have to drop by Ms. Device and thank her!



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