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Oh, Ms.Badu..

Oh, you just KNEW we had to talk about this. Don't you? Honey, it's Miss Erykah Badu. 

I love @erykahbadu. I think that her Baduizm and New Amerykah Part One are exceptional albums. She is one of THE blueprints of Neo Soul, of course and her singing style as well as her fashion style are absolutely her own. 

If I were a creative soul, I would love, love, love to have 'my' space. A space where my creative juices could flow and where I would be at ease to make my ideas come true. Even in my daily life, I need my 'space'. Always have. I need my desk, and my books, and my plants and my little buddies on my desk that keep me company and help me when I'm feeling overworked or close to burning out. 

I love her space here. It's eclectic, it's slightly off and is, above all, very, very stylish. And you, Constant Reader, do you have your Badu Corner?



  1. I have my spaces and my things that I love to see and touch. It's what makes a home a home.

  2. I have LOVED and ADORED MS Badu since she arrived on the scene. And I adored her when she wore all her big head wraps.

  3. Sonic meditation is not my thing but I see why she would resonate (so to speak) with it.

  4. Big says,
    I have my office/library.... It's filled with music and books and scripts and little things I've received or picked up over the years. They reflect my journey through life. Sometimes they inspire me, other times that inspiration is withheld. 'Cuz that's the way the universe works. XOXO

  5. a bit strange, but consistent with her personality

  6. It's all very Badu. Personally? I think she's over-indulged (puff-puff, making clouds), but I get that people feel her vibe and groove. Thanks for sharing. She's one of a kind.


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