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Oh, Christ...!

Oh, yes. 

Nobody like Lil' Nas X to get the xtianists' panties in a bunch. He's a master shit-stirrer. He started a few weeks ago, in social media. He talked about his 'going back to Christ' thing and from then on it was posst after post garnering thousands of interactions (remember, people get paid for those) and right wing personalities and common xtianist folk alike losing their shit over his posts.

It paid. The video I'm posting here has millions of views (again, money in his pocket, even if people click on it to bash it) and I'm sure Spotify and Pandora have seen an increment on streaming of his songs overall. He's prepping the ground for the release of his next album, I'm sure. Xtianists. So easy to rile them up....

Because we know that many, many, many artists have used religious imagery in their work. Many. Singers, dancers, writers, painters, sculptors. And the Xtianists always scream bloody murder. You'd think they are Muslims and somebody created the likeness of the prophet. They sound just the same. Also, American wingnuts really like their Franco Zeffirelli approved Jesus. So there's that. 

And Montero went ahead and created an apology video (you know where this is going) that has garnered also a ton of engagement, explaining his views for the video. You know you cannot reason with the xtianists, and he probably knows that too. And on he goes. Just like he did with the pole dancing with Satan. I'm entertained.

And the references in the video? OMG hysterical. From passages from the Bible to that Windows wallpaper to his very own videos to celebrity lookalikes, he does not leave stone unturned. Smart guy. Even if one does not enjoy his music (we all have tastes, right?) watching the video is a fun run through the very creative mind of a guy who is literally doing what he wants. And is laughing all the way to the bank with it. Good for him.



Look at the engagement, btw. 


  1. I smile (nice video, by the way) because I know that every religion is just currently believed mythology.

    1. Absolutely true, Xersex.
      I once mentioned that to somebody in a conversation and then they realized it was true. It's just current mythology. They Greeks and the Romans thought THEY were correct at one time or another...


    2. But also now. Every believer thinks his religion is the right one!

    3. Voilà!
      And THAT, dear Xersex, is the root of all evil.


  2. I also smile because so-called christians deserve all they get while Lil Nas is pulling up to the bank with wads of cash.

    1. Hahaha
      Yes! He trolls them like there's no tomorrow. And makes some coin.
      What's not to like?


  3. Anonymous1/22/2024

    Babe, he’s a master troller. They’ve all got their undies in a bunch and he’s enjoying it all. He’s young and hot and he can keep churning out content.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I know right?
      He just announced a second song. This one is number 69 on Billboard right now..


  4. Big says,
    Oh, he's having fun yanking chains. That it's money in the bank is just the cream on top.
    You're right, folks have been doing this type of thing for...well, forever (Madge, anyone?). XOXO

    1. He is!
      And the making money is smart. It's kind of a backup many artists use these days. With streaming and downloading taking such a huge portion of the numbers that count towards a record, being savvy on social media is a must.
      And we all know Madge has done it all. She also cashed in on that, no?


    2. Big says,
      Madge cashed in on that with the first big hit. LOL.

  5. Fun video! Some amazing imagery! Your analysis is spot on, too.

    1. I thought it was super fun.
      And the details! I had to watch it twice to get some of the references!


  6. That's actually kind of amusing.

    1. I thought it was hysterical.
      It's campy, it's referential, it's fun and it's most probably infuriating to the xtianists. Win.



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