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Black Belt and Blue Waves

From ancient seas to fertile soils, evolutionary biologist Shane Campbell-Staton explores the remarkable journey that transformed the Cretaceous coastline into the fertile “Black Belt” region of the American South. He joins oceanographer Craig McClain, professor Sven Beckert, and geneticist Steven Micheletti to learn how millions of years of deposits shaped the events of Black American history.

Ok, so you would think that the formation of an ocean in North America millions of years ago would have nothing to do with slavery, genetics, race and voting rights in the XXI century. You'd be wrong. I invite you to watch this piece of research, that leads Shane to an encounter with the remains of microscopic plankton which is basically connected to the idea of gerrymandering and the fear the Repugs have of Blue Waves. Don't believe me? Just watch.


P.S. Use your powers for good: follow @ShaneCambpell-Staton on Insta and @pbs on youtube.


  1. Makes sense to me.

    1. It kind of does, doesn't it?
      That black land was the slave's doom because it condemned them by being so rich. America has never been able to say 'no' to greed.


  2. Anonymous2/21/2024

    This was a fascinating and eye opening piece. At the end when they were bringing up the various maps, you’re like “holy shit!” It’s the same pattern over and over again.

    And you see the blue wave getting darker and darker. And gerrymandering has so far kept it relatively contained. However, one of the southern states last year was ordered to create another majority Black district.

    And just yesterday, the Wisconsin governor signed a fairer state legislative electoral map into law, meaning their state legislature is going to be drastically overhauled. Even though about 65% of the votes cast in the last couple of elections were Democratic votes, only about 35% of the legislature is Democrats due to severe gerrymandering. There is currently a lawsuit making its way through the Wisconsin Supreme Court to do the same with the federal electoral map. I think of the eight US representatives, only two are Democrats.

    Slowly progress is being made.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Gerrymandering is one of the Repug's most insidious weapons.
      And I read that about the Wisconsin governor! The situation is dire in that state.
      Baby steps...


  3. Big says,
    Pretty amazing, but it makes sense. As Huntley says, slow progress has been made. It's up to us to ensure that progress doesn't reverse and get wiped away. In order for that to happen, the isolationist, nationalist, white supremacist evangelicals must be outvoted again and again. As you can see (also as Huntley points out) it is a local level importance as much as a federal one. It is not only defeating Thing 45, it is defeating the entire republican Plan 2025 effort.

    1. It does makes sense when we know a little bit of history.
      And geography. And science.
      All the things that Repugs hate. The only way to win is like you say, voting them out.
      Without Cheeto, they've got nothing. Hope it's their doom.


  4. I saw that same special on PBS and I couldn't believe it. It really is mind blowing how interconnected everything is. And of course leave it to the white guy to ruin everything. At what point does this system get broken and smashed for good? I've been asking myself this for years

    1. Isn't it great?
      I love PBS. Such a great source of knowledge. And EVERYTHING is connected. People think it's kismet and coincidence, but everything is connected.
      And we need to plant the seeds for the system to change, Mads. It's up to us.



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