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Marry, fuck, kill. 90's living room edition.

We have been in one.
We have seen one.
We could even still live with one.

You know what to do….



  1. Big says,
    I wouldn't marry any of them. Oy. Joy talks about having to crane to see the garden, then designs to have to crane to watch TV? Darren's is way too dark and leopard print carpeting? Tell me what he's smoking - cuz I don't want it. Noz puts a built-in couch in front of the fireplace? WTF? Wouldn't fuck any of them, either. Nope. Kill them all. LOL

    1. Hahaha
      Well, I can see why. I would also question the leopard print carpeting. Killing them all is also an option, Big.


  2. Anonymous2/26/2024

    I’m with Big. I think Darren’s smacks of the 60s and Noz literally says she got inspiration from the 80s. If I understand her correctly, Joy is putting the TV BEHIND the couch?!? Where the majority of your seating is?

    Time to bring in fresh designers. I think the last couple of times, they’ve struck out.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I didn't get the TV behind the couch, either?
      I'm not for 1980's chintz revival, for real. Kill that. I'd flip between the other two, though..


  3. I'd marry Darren. That room was very sharp and had a lot of taste and chicness to it. A great room to entertain in and have all your friends come over dressed up . Very grown up. The other two .. just was not feeling they both have to be sacrificed! Plus I won't lie I'm partial to the color brown in Interiors.

    1. I'd either marry or fuck Darren. I agree with you.
      I do not like Noz's version. Too limited. And the other one, I'd just do without the TV.


    2. Big says,
      Do without the TV????? What?????? How would you watch PBS? Come on, now..... 😉😁

  4. I wonder what they'd do if they had an actual room instead of playing fantasy designer?

    1. Well, they would just work with a budget.
      That's what designers do all the time. I bet they can also do Home Depot ugly in a heartbeat.



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