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Fuck, Marry, Kill. Schoolie edition.

The manfriend always says he'd like to transform a CTA bus (if you've been to Chi you know they're huge and have this accordion thingy in the middle that's trippy) into an RV. Well, I sent him this video and he was like, WHAT?

You know what to do...



  1. Kill Darren, Though I do like the ceiling light. Fuck Noz. Though I appreciate the lightness with the pops pf color. Marry Joy. She gets it, people would be living in the thing while out on the road. XOXO

    1. I'd fuck Darren and Marry Joy, too.
      I think Darren's idea was very cool but Noz sometimes drives me up the wall with the contrasting patterns. Practical, but too much for me.


  2. Anonymous3/11/2024

    Kill Darren, fuck Noz and marry Joy. Darren is too far out there for me. I do like Noz’s cabinets and a sizable kitchen area. Joy looks like a nice home away from home.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I'd fuck Darren because I'm a sucker for that expensive perfume ad journey. I think the color is a little bit too much for me but the idea, I like.
      I'd marry Joy, too. That was outstanding.


  3. Kill Darren; he lost me right at Beyonce on a Bus cuz everyone knows that would never happen.
    Fuck/Kill Noz because whose name is Noz Nozawa? And she's too precious.
    Marry Joy because I'd travel in her bus.

    1. LMAOOO
      We just KNOW Ms. Carter don't do no bus. Noz is indeed precious (and practical) but this time I didn't like it too much. Joy's bus? Let's Goooooo!


  4. Just a camper, it's so much easier.

    1. Right.
      Also, not creative, not fun and pedestrian. And expensive. With a Schoolie one upcycles, pushes one's creativity and it gives the chance to belong to a very cool group that travels the country.


  5. If I HAD to pick, I'd go with Joy. Noz's designs often drive me crazy...there always to cutsie and wholesome....and Darren has got to be sacrificed over that travesty.

    1. Hahahaha
      I'd go for Joy, too. Noz was practical, but I found it a little cutesy. And I actually liked Darren's? Very futuristic...



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