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Funny how people who 'know' me online have a very similar insight into who I am to those who know me IRL. Take for example the gifts I've gotten over the years from people who know me just through this blog: dear @annemarie knitted a hat and a scarf specially for me and John @disasterfilm once sent me the cutest handmade keyholder.  How did they know those things were going to be special for me? I still wear what Anne Marie made me (just two weeks ago, when it was the Tundra here, I was wearing the hat and the scarf) and John's keyholder has my office keys.

Now, take for example the t-shirt Huntley sent me: he knows I like museums and he knows I like getting pressed like the news, hence that t-shirt (the color is an added bonus). It's also XLarge because he knows I love the layer. That man is a treasure.

Mads sent me that little Cheetah, that now sits with my classic sock monkey and my White Sox sock monkey: it's hand knitted by women in Kenya. How fucking thoughtful is that? Love!

And why don't we talk about Merlin, who read my post on @abelarana and quicker than a ray of light sent me those two books? The Gay Kama Sutra by The Martins was an extra-special treat that I'm exploring right now.  Friends, hunny. Friends. 

So I am very lucky to have these people in my life. Who cares if our interactions take place in cyberspace? Who cares if we have not 'really' met? Who cares if there's distance and time between us? As my granny used to say, it's the thought that counts. And these people are always on my mind.

Thank you, guys for being so awesome. *Smooches*



  1. Russell Tovey sells that T-shirt on the same website where he sells his artbook.

    1. Yes, I've seen him wearing it.
      Russel Tovey, he of the internalized homophobia seems have come around a little bit. He's even accepting that he likes to get fucked in bathrooms. Wonders never cease.


  2. Anonymous3/08/2024

    How adorable is that cheetah?!? And you can never go wrong curling up with a good book on a chilly night in a t-shirt…and read to the cheetah. See they all go together 😎. We coordinated it that way.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. OMG he's super cute!
      And yes, they all go together. I see you called both Mads and Merlin!


  3. Big says,
    The idea that we can become friends across the miles is an awesome fact. For as dangerous as the internet can be, it can also be the salve that heals and saves. Both figuratively and literally, depending upon one's situation.
    I'd wax on poetically but I'd start getting sappy and weepy.

    1. Oh no question about it.
      I have made friends online for years. The internet can be a scary place, but it helps you find your tribe.
      And you'd never be sappy, Big.


  4. the world maricon makes me smile!

    1. Hahaha
      Same! It seems that's defining something big and/or grand!


  5. Very thoughtful and sweet of them!

    1. Absolutely.
      And every time I look at those gifts, I think about them.


  6. I, too, have an Original Anne Marie Scarf that I wear proudly when the temperatures dip!

    I need that museum t-shirt!

    1. OMG same.
      And every time I wear the hat and the scarf I get a compliment. I immediately point out that they're originals.
      And that museum t-shirt has got me more than one knowing glance...


  7. I'm so glad that we met online, I always enjoy your point of views and I just adore you in general. And if we ever meet in person I have another gift for you.. in private of course. And I mentioned we might have to be naked? ROTF LMAO!!!! Like I mean if you want to reenact the art museum scenario I guess we could.

    1. Absolutely.
      And same for me. I love your joie de vivre and your wit. And I'm sure I'd hump you for good measure. I know those cookies are GOOD.


    2. If a museum restroom fuck takes place with you two. I'll need a video.

  8. the pink-purple T-shirt made me smile! and that bright color is as visible as a road sign.

    1. Haha
      It is! Leave to Huntley to be subtle, no?


  9. That is soooo cool! These people really know you.


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