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I know that some people have never watched Drag Race. I know that some people seem to be oversaturated with the aesthetic that Drag Race seems to promote. I know that some people do not care about Drag. But I love Drag. I love an art form that is equal parts installation art, fashion runway, three-ring-circus and acting a fool. Add a touch of genderfuck, the T in LGBTQ and some very special Latin flavor, like you see in La más Draga and you'll see me happy. Not to mention that very attractive people are involved and that there's always a chance to cut up and Ki-ki Latin style. Fun!

This is Solo Las Más (Only The Most...) a branching out of La Más Draga (I've posted about that series here before, just hit the Search in the Blog!) with a whiff of Drag Race All Stars. The thing is, La Más Draga is much more democratic (it's on YouTube, and it's free) and much more true to its roots (culturally bound challenges). So, for those who enjoy Drag (and for those who think they don't like it) I'm posting here the first installment of Sólo La Más. And don't worry. It's got subtitles. And if you don't like Drag, this is much more more fun than Duolingo...

So are you ready for some Alebrijes?

A Huevo!


P.S. you can also fast forward straight to the runway, daaahleenk! It's a treat.

P.P.S. the second installment (La Más Religiosa) just dropped and it's a gag worthy as the first one!


  1. It would be worth watching just for the clothes alone.

    1. I know, right?
      The costuming is excellent.


  2. Replies
    1. It is!
      Especially in a country with such strict gender roles ideas, where machismo is king.


  3. It is performance art; Burlesque brought to its highest level, Vaudeville refined to new a new degree. What does anybody think "Uncle Miltie" was? It was a mash-up of Vaudeville and Burlesque. It's fun, it's camp, with the artists taking the art seriously. XOXO

    1. Anonymous3/27/2024

      HuntleyBiGuy: Either someone is showing their age or their appreciation of classic TV. Or both. 😎

    2. Oh, yes.
      Absolutely. And fun and camp are my kinks.
      And bae, classic TV is the GOAT.


  4. See....THIS and the international queens is where it is at henny!!!!! I'd much rather see queens doing what they are meant to be doing.....instead of odd ball challenges. I want the performances like this!!!!! And the old school over the top camp drag. Leave the editorial for the magazine's. That said my girl Sapphira is killing it. And she is the first queen besides Nina West that is represented themselves just like in life. What you see is what you get in life. I know many of them are soooo different off the show.

    Here here to these queens and this show. We need more like this. Less chit chat more action!!!!

    1. Beside the fact that I'd have a gang bang with at least 5 of them!!!!!

    2. I know, right?
      You know I'm with you when you say that we need to look OUT to enjoy Drag better. And camp is FUNDAMENTAL.
      And Sapphira may be the winner, if Nimphya as much as blinks.
      Totally with with about banging some of these Queens. I'm partial to Sirena...


    3. You didn't hear this from me....but a source I know says Gerardo...Sirena has a HUGE cock. Never saw it...buy his body and ass are incredible. He's my favorite too. Should we have a threesome?!? LOL

    4. I knew it!
      And he's gorge. In the second installment he went from Mary to Jesus in a loincloth. Yummy.


    5. I know!!!!! Love it. I wanted him to come down off the cross....I needed his wood!!!!

  5. ¿¡Entonces se puede ver gratis en YouTube?! Había oído hablar de "La mas Draga" pero no sabía como acceder a ello... ¡Que gran noticia previa a mis vacaciones de Pascua!, jejeje
    .. ¡Un abrazo y gracias!

    1. Claro, Angelillo!
      Es una series que te mueres. Y puedes encontral toda la serie (con las finales, que son fabulosas) en Youtube.

      Un abrazote!


  6. Now THAT'S a show! Fun and camp and art and all that drag.

    1. All. That. Drag!
      I'm always in awe. And the theatricality of it all!


  7. I like drag too but I'm burnt out on watching Drag Race.

    1. Oh, you should give this a try.
      The challenges are fantastic and the ranking in this series is done by the Queens, which makes it all more interesting.


  8. Anonymous3/27/2024

    This was great! They’re very performative so the language barrier, even though there are subtitles, really isn’t an issue.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I know, right?
      I thought you guys would enjoy..



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