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Oh, Roger...

Somebody described him as 'indigiqueer' and I had to investigate. Because of course I just had to.

He's apparently of German/Russian and Poarch Creek descent and grew up in North Dakota. And then it clicked. He also describes his sexuality as 'circular' and not fixed. And I was immediately interested. It's always good to hear people who are outside of the binary, someone with a different outlook and a different take on things. 

I also like that this song is kind of Garage/House and it reminded me of when I used to haunt the after party hangouts armed with a pair of JNCO jeans, some candy bracelets and a bottle of water. You know that's factual.


P.S. his Insta is fab. @rkoughenr, in case you were wondering... and he's got a book out called Somacultural Therapy, natch.


  1. "Circular" sexuality -- very interesting description!

    1. I think it's fab that people find ways to accurately describe their attractions to other people in very specific ways.
      Not all of us see (and feel) sexuality the same way.


  2. I'm kinda digging the song.

    1. I did, too!
      It's a sound that brings you to the club right away.


  3. he's very cute and now he got a new follower on IG

    1. He is!
      I really like the way he presents himself.


  4. It's just another dance song. A long time ago, in another galaxy, I might have liked it.

    1. It's a remix, Dave.
      Maybe you could find the original in his YouTube page or Spotify?


  5. Big says,
    Two-Spirit. Yep, that's how the indigenous have always described it. And I, for one, prefer that over the modern "circular." Circular sounds too....white. Those people were revered in their culture. He's got a nice vocal quality --- though the deliberate "stutter" on the mix bugged me. XOXO

    1. I love the way Indigenous people see gender.
      And using 'circular' kind of makes it more understandable and accesible to a new generation, I believe.
      I liked the mix. I'm sure there's a non-mixed version somewhere, though.


  6. Sort of reminded me of my days going to the Vault. A alternative club. That was a racy place and open place for the likes of Harrisburg. I like the beat...but then Im a dance queen anyhow.

    1. Same!
      I used to go dancing and I kind of miss it? But times have changed and when I'm in a club I sometimes get overwhelmed. I don't drink and my bedtime has changed! I don't stay up until four in the morning anymore...


    2. I wish I could say that. Im still a night owl....and on weekend up till 3 at least.

  7. Circular? I'm a frigging Eiffel Tower! :) Kizzes.


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