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Oh, David and Fritz?

Ok, so this is very Ying and Yang. Very opposites attract. Tina was right. It’s also kind of like a portrait of my dynamics with every man with whom I’ve shared a place in the last twenty years, TBH.

I think the idea of living with someone who is basically the opposite of you is kind of a mood. I see couples like this all the time and marvel at the way they balance both their aesthetics and their personalities. It takes effort, people!



  1. Openness and tolerance are needed on both sides.

  2. They lost me when he said "I have 3 Prada suits." How pretentious, to name the designer.

  3. I like. I like the black and the white kitchen especially but those nightstands are beyond fussy for me.
    It's got some nice sleek spaces and, of course, I love a library.

  4. Big says,
    Gorgeous. Love the kitchen - despite the galley-style. The chandeliers? Oh, yes, please. The artwork is perfect. I would hate to have to clean that bathroom mirror every damn day! The library? Well, you know me and books. Now, let's address Fritz and his need for 6 closets - to look like ***that***???? (OK, that's snarky, but I couldn't help myself.) Thank goodness my wife and I are on the same page when it comes to the home decor. LOL.

  5. Anonymous7/03/2024

    I like the apartment. The artwork in the breakfast nook is very unique. Had he not said there was a figure in it, I might not have seen it. And the lighting has to be just right to see it. Not a fan of the open shower in the bathroom. Like Big says, gotta clean that mirror every day, and the wet floor is an accident waiting to happen.

    And Fritz has WAAAAYY too much stuff.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  6. Excellent! While the home is not me....and I agree with Dave a bit...Mr Clean comes off very pretentious and snobby....I like them more then the house. I love opposites in couples. It drive me BEYOND CRAZY when gay men are coupled and look and act like brothers or twins. I find it sort of creepy and odd. If I wanted to fuck myself...Id get out my dildo the Lad had cast from my dick!!! These two are intriguing

  7. I like it. I can't imagine the weird tension between the squirrel who keeps the nest clear and the one who jams it full of crap they find in the gutter. This is ripe for parody. I could see them spending their time creating elaborate booby traps for each other... kizzes.


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