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Oh, the world is a stage..?



Isn’t it better to live our lives in such a way that the world won’t celebrate when somebody shoots at us?


P.S. Remember when Vlad staged his own assassination? I do…and so does #Blacktwitter


  1. The stories are already flying on what happened are numerous.

    But I will say, when the shots rung out, the crowd behind the dump seemed awful calm, and didn't even get down hardly while shots were being fired. But then again, the Dump's crowd aren't the brightest bulbs on Broadway, I mean most days their three brain cells are fighting to take the first-place ribbon.

    1. I know!
      I could not believe it. It looked less real than a movie set, TBH. He was asking for his fucking shoes!!! And had time to create a slogan and a photo op?
      I smell a rat.


  2. Anonymous7/15/2024

    The posts this weekend on Xitter were merciless, and rightly so.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, they have mocked him to no end.


  3. I loathe the idea of the murder of anyone, but this whole thing leads to way to many questions of authenticity and fuckery and fakery.
    I got sucked into Twitter and saw some of the utter nonsense; his supporters don't even realize that they came across looking happy he was shot at because it means he wins the election.
    I follow Lakota Man on Twitter and he posted so good stuff about the fakery.

    1. And whether or not it was staged or a real targeted shooting, that people think like us and many other is sorry. But how can one not question it? The Dump brought this thinking on by us, himself, and which always leads to way to many questions of authenticity and fuckery and fakery, like anything he does.

    2. Ohhh @lakotaman is awesome.
      And like you said it's utter nonsense. Not like attempting to kill someone makes sense, but the reactions and the aftermath? I think it's too convenient, to make him look like a victim.
      .... And there he was inciting the crowd at the RNC. It all lasted a New York minute.


  4. Oh dear, the ketchup bottle, LOL!

  5. Big says,
    Reporting on X that he sent this out shortly before the rally: "All hell will break loose in an hour." For me that's the biggest "tell" he and his idiots planned it. Then, attendee MAGAts kept telling law enforcement about "a guy crawling on the rook over there with a gun," and getting shrugs. No one behind him ducked for cover --- not even after he dropped tot he floor --- until they were told to get down. Several MAGATs actually stayed standing through the entire thing. Question is: Will the Fibbies cover it up, or tell the truth?

    1. Oh, yes.
      Apparently both people at the rally and law enforcement saw the shooter and nothing happened. And then there was a memo sent to his staff saying that if anybody talked to the media they'd be fired (probably signed a NDA, as per usual).
      I smell a rat.


  6. I think it was staged. I think it was stupid. I think... it was disappointing. In fact, I'm just as disappointed as Melonomia. I love their explanation for how the shooter got on that roof with a rifle... very sorry about that guy who died protecting his daughters, but then... he brought his daughters to an F'ing orange ogre rally... so? Am I being insensitive? Yes. But it's hard to muster up any compassion for a man who has lived his life without demonstrating an ounce of compassion. Kizzes.

    1. It's too.. contrived?
      The poses, the secret service, the melodrama of wearing a huge band aid during the RNC when he'd been golfing without a care (or a band-aid)? Also, the Cheeto camp is tight-lipped with medical information and everybody has been warned to NOT to talk to the media...
      Melanoma was probably furious LOL. Two inches would have solved all of her problems...
      And no, you're not being insensitive. And if you are, come sit with me and we'll be insensitive together.



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