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World AIDS Day 2019

Because the epidemic has not ended.
Because there are still victims.
Because there's still stigma.

Because there's still people like Cheeto Jr.

And remember, AIDS is not a death sentence anymore, so the original article that prompted Cheeto Jr. to spread ignorance, bigotry and hate, still stands.

If someone is HIV positive, knows their status, is on effective medication and has consistently had an undetectable viral load, they cannot pass on the virus. PrEP is also widely available in the US and several other countries to prevent people from acquiring HIV. And condoms are also, of course, widely available.

Knowledge is power. Silence is still death.


P.S. if you have a minute, go read Rick Reed's blurb about his AIDS-related novel and Jimmy's touching story before he deletes it! 


  1. GAYmen! and we still mourn those we lost.

  2. Yes, a day to remember friends who are no longer with us.

  3. I remember my friend who died. We all knew, but right up to the end he kept telling us he had leukemia. What a terrible shame.

  4. We will always remember the tragedy that befell this country under another repug president. We will not be silenced.

    The entire trump/ kushner clan are nothing but shit heads.

  5. And here’s a story of a remarkable woman.


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