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Be a doll

Wasn't it Jimmy who posted something about toys recently? Well, if he'd leave his posts up, I would be able to check, natch. But alas, no. so this post will stand alone. I think you've seen that I've posted before about men who have life-size dolls, like Lars and the Real Girl kind of situation. But this one is about gay men with male sex dolls. Yep. Because Google is going to be the end of me, I was looking for info about a Billy doll and ended up going down the rabbit hole. As one is prone to do.

The idea of having a sex doll brings images of sailors out to sea for months and corny blow up plastic dolls with painted on lips and fixed eyes. But the thing is, technology has reached all corners of the art world and manufacturing techniques have been refined to a point we would not believe our own eyes when looking at what they can do with silicone these days.

So I found out that there's a very wide array of products (53!) that you could find by just doing a quick search and that they can be expensive (more than 3K).  Nevertheless, apparently there is of course a market for this kind of toys because sexual expression is really not bounded by what we think is sexy. After all, gay men are men and so why not sex dolls that would fill the same needs that straight men have when they get a female sex doll?

Most of these dolls are used for sex, but some are just used as companions. It's Love in the Times of Cholera, am I right? Or love in the times of COVID-19, to be more precise. But no matter how life-like they are, they're still dolls. That may freak out some people. But I was thinking, if it's ok for a man to buy a sleeve to jerk off, what's the difference if he buys a doll? A life-sized Fleshjack that's going to have the same function as a small one: it's a masturbatory device.

When it comes to kinks and sexual expression I think we need to stop being so judgmental. I have never met anyone who's got a sex doll, but I would certainly like to sit down and talk to him about it. Why not? Men fuck watermelons, apple pies, pillows, mattresses and all kinds of weird things to get off, for fuck's sake! At least a man who fucks a sex doll has the money to buy it and the space to keep it.

And of course, you know there's going to be a porn version:

I'm not one to knock anybody's tastes. Remember, somebody's vanilla is somebody else's kink. Who knows? There may be people out there who think wanting a Billy doll is weird. And I don't give a fuck. I still want one.



  1. I understand the need. And, maybe there might have been a time when I would have purchased one just to say I have one (status). In the long run it would be cheaper as no need to be fed or clothed (lol). But, if I live long enough,...I'm going to hold out til the 'Holodeck' becomes available, which is the ONLY reason I would join Starfleet.

    1. OMG same. LOL
      And you know that VR porn is well, a reality. And that you can *ahem* plug devices that will give you the feeling that you are immersed in that environment...


  2. Replies
    1. They are absolutely life-like.
      And the details!


  3. dr. spo has a billy doll. me, I'd settle for the real live dude in the pix !

    1. What? That's awesome!
      He probably got it in an auction. They're collector's items now.
      And that dude in the pic is a doll, Anne Marie! He does look real, though.


  4. It's definitely not your Daddy's sex doll anymore.
    And to each his own. I am stunned by the artistry that goes into creating each one, and then I keep expecting them to come to life.

    1. Haha I know, right?
      We've moved far from the kiddie-pool style of sex doll. That sixty-second documentary really opened my eyes to the artistry and talent that creating one of these dolls needs. It's uncanny how real they look.


  5. They're quite detailed and lifelike these days, aren't they? I wouldn't put any guy (or woman) down for having one. It fulfills a real need. You're right: It's no different than having a jack-off sleeve, or a dildo. And, there are a ton of those sold every year, so why not a full-sized, realistic doll to be used for the same purposes? XoXo

    1. Well, Anne Marie thought that the photo was a photo of a real guy.
      And I don't think that somebody having a sex doll would be anything to be ashamed of. It's a dildo and a Fleshjack all in one package.
      I'm curious now about men actually fucking one of these. I'm going to have to do some research..


  6. I have never met anyone who's got a sex doll

    .....as far as you know. Not everybody would necessarily be open about that.*

    Seriously, this is the last thing anybody should be judgmental about. It's the most harmless kink there is, and even allows the possibility of people indulging impulses which would be dangerous or harmful if done with a real person. As you say, it's really an elaborate form of masturbation -- although of course our culture has plenty of stupid hang-ups about that, too.

    *No, I don't have one.

    1. True!
      Well, if you visited them or if you dated them, it would be hard to hide. And I don't think that's the purpose, with a sex doll. And like you say, it's the most harmless kink one can find. I think in my previous post about Slutever where they explore men using them it was mentioned that it was an excellent tool to explore new things.
      And I was hoping you had one! LOL


  7. Well Christmas is coming Sixpense!!!! Watch what you ask for. The opening doll and the following pictures are incredible. The shirt and jeans opened. I guess i could be persuaded to ride that cock...once or twice....three times. Would cum in real handy during covid....but how would I explain taking him to mother's?

    1. Ha!
      I would like to see what people think of that package under the tree! And that doll is actually quite hot. And we can choose the dick size. How's that for acommodating?
      Now, taking him to mother's would require some very specific maneuvers.


  8. I also meant to tell you I saw a brief snippet on you friends passing on one of my news feeds yesterday. I will wait to see how this evolves.

    1. OMG you did?
      It may be making the national news now. It was a horrible crime!
      They need to catch whomever did it.


  9. Interesting. I loved Lars and the Real Girl! I don't know, but I suspect the ones that very realistic are probably the same price as a small BMW.

    1. Oh Lars and the Real Girl was a very cool movie.
      It also had Ryan Gosling, that makes most anything watchable, so there's that. And they are expensive, but not THAT expensive. Now, if you want elf ears or something really specific, it may push it higher.
      Could one buy a small BMW with five thousand dollars?


  10. Well at least they can't betray you! Oops, did that sound bitter?

    1. Haha
      And that's one more reason to have one!
      They may end up being quite handy during the pandemic, too!


  11. Interesting. I know they are huge in hetero Japan, but I never imagined one for a gay guy. I can't imagine having such a large thing... I mean... where do you put it? Store it. I meant store it. I KNOW where to put it :) And The Billy Doll - totally forgot them. I had an Alan doll (Ken's best friend) when I was young - my parents bought it for me because I would not stop playing with my sister's barbies. I took him to show and tell the first day after the Xmas holiday and pulled his little swimsuit down to show everybody his love bump. Hell yeah. I was a twisted MF from day one.

    1. I know!
      I've read about men having dolls before, but in the video they mention that gay men are buying them now, too.
      And I want a Billy doll. The Tom of Finland doll is way too expensive for me. And I also liked playing with dolls! I had GI Joe and all that jazz. They were always running away together. So gay.
      And you WERE a twisted MF from day one. You should step into my parlor...


  12. It’s amazing how this has evolved loved. I remember seeing the inflatables in the sex stores. And then you have the lower portion of the anatomy. And then there’s fleshjack. But the accuracy and the detail is amazing.

    My birthday is coming up. 😉

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Totally!
      It's such a jump from the inflatable ones, right? And they are all er.. functional. Every which way you'd want them to function...
      And how am I going to wrap that, bae?


  13. Wow - that first doll is just a beauty.


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