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Filler Queen

Ok, so if you have not tasted Maddie's scalding tea on this last episode of RPDR season 13, you need to get thee there and cackle while reading that fantastic review like I did. And then you can come back and watch a boy become a gorge WOman in front of your own eyes. I always find it fascinating how the man slowly disappears beneath layers of expertly applied makeup and a gorgeous creature emerges. Joey Jay is one of the contestants this season of RPDR and he kind of gives me the perfect excuse to talk about that magic act that suddenly changes a handsome man into a beautiful woman. And what that may mean to other men who like men.

I think Joey is a very attractive man and he, like everybody online, does not miss a chance to remind us of that fact.  And to tell you the truth, I'm here for Joey Jay's thirst traps. Because Joey is the kind of mirage that would function on let's say, Grindr. I think some men would be attracted to him while looking at his photos but would find him too 'femme' once they watch this video or when they saw him on RPDR but I think he's just fine. The thing with Drag artists and with femme boys is that many men cannot get over the gender fuckery these boys unleash.  Drag is a big fuck you to everything many men (and especially the Masc 4 Masc gay men) think about gender. I believe that the effect visuals like Joey's thirst traps have intensifies when we see a man as handsome as Joey be as unapologetically gay as he is. And then we see him as a beautiful woman. Brain blown. For some men, that's Kryptonite. 

For me, a a man of the not-a-lumberjack persuasion, the idea of not being Masc enough for some gay men is kind of intriguing. Not like I've had trouble finding men to fuck me, mind you. But it always throws me in a loop that some men would just discard somebody like Joey (or me) because he does not fit their 'parameters'. It's a 'preference' on Grindr, am I right? No fats, no femmes, no Asians (or Blacks). Tale as old as Grindr. I cannot explain how somebody would rule out the super fun and handsome Joey. Really. I'd KiKi with him. Hard. There are many, many, MANY men who are not terribly masculine and are total sexy beasts. There are countless Drag artists who are super sexy in and out of drag (have you seen Maddie?) The fact that people would attach desirability to something as flimsy as petulant outward masculinity escapes me. 

I'd really like some of you to give me an idea of what goes through the minds of salt-of-the-earth, jeans-and-polo-wearing, conventionally-masculine gay men when they decide that someone is way too femme for them. Does their dick threaten to fall off? Do they get the vapors? And don't give me 'it's a preference' or 'if I liked girls I'd date one' because I'll slap the hell out of you. You know I will...


P.S. Joey a a boy totally gives me Maddie vibes. Bet he's wild. 


  1. Pretty, he just needs to ditch the purple hair. Have you any idea how many people I see everyday with hair that's purple, or pink, or green, or mauve, or yellow, or orange, or blue, or teal? At the home improvement retail giant I work for everyday looks like Whoville exploded in our parking lot. The ones who garner the most attention are those who have opted out of sticking their hair into an exploding rainbow of color.

    1. Ha!
      Oh, Dave yo don't disappoint.
      Dyed = unnatural = bad/laughable?
      Undyed = natural = good/desirable?

      But would you fuck him?


  2. I thought Joey was torts adorbs--look at me, talking like one of the kids!--on Drag Race, though not one of my favorites. He's just cute as a button in his boy drag.

    1. Oh, look at ya, all up with the kids! LOL
      But yes, he was. And he did what he needed to do: be visible in a huge platform as the no-wig Drag performer. And his boy Drag is on point.


  3. We have a friend who is very feminine in his speech and mannerisms. He's done drag - just for laughs, mind you. But, you would never meet a nicer, funnier guy in your life. He's never had difficulty finding guys. (Well, he's pushing 20 yrs in a LTR now.) But...and here's what I think happens: It's simply personality preference. Looks attract us first, then personality weighs in. Example: I wouldn't do a dude who comes off as super-macho. It's a turn-off for me. Maybe the Masc4Masc is the flip side. idunno. Anyway, the transformation process is fascinating. (And Maddie is stunning, hon - regardless.) XOXO
    P.S. Jim Bailey's televised special way back when took him from man to Judy Garland. I wonder if that's available on U?

    1. What the Masc 4 Masc crowd forgets is that no matter how feminine the guy, he's still a man. There'll always be men that we find more attractive than others. Straight men are not attracted to ALL women, after all. But with gay men there's a current of misogyny and internalized homophobia that is very hard to ignore.


      p.s. I'm gonna look for Jim Bailey!

  4. Awe Six your making me blush....not something many men can do!!! What's funny...on the show, I was my feeling Joey's drag.....but off screen I could totally see he Elliot and I all having a Kiki. He's fun. Make up vids always calm me...and if a guy is fem or not Ill do them!!!!! When I dated fem guys....they are often more fun and adventurous. While men who are masculine are sticks in the mud. And after seeing Joey's cock shots....call me joey!!!!!!!!! I also like hearing the make up struggles of queens. I always hated the lashes and doing them. And while the mistakes made to us...most public would never probably even pick up on them.


    1. Hahahaha
      My job here is done. But he does give me that vibe!
      And I find it fascinating watching a man put on makeup. With girls, we kind of know that she'll enhance her beauty, but with a man, there's a radical transformation that my brain sometimes fails to grasp. Now, fake eyelashes can immediately change somebody's face. Immediately. It's like magic.
      And you are so right about the hyper- masculine men... Been there, had them. Sticks in the mud is a quite accurate description.
      And dick pics? Joey's got dick pics around? What dick pics? Why didn't anybody send me this memo?


  5. Joey is a total babe! The transformation the queens go through is amazing.

    And I don’t really get the “preference” schtick. You close yourself off to so many possibilities. But you be you and I’ll enjoy the smorgasbord.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Ha!
      I knew you'd say that. And yes, I agree: Joey is very attractive.
      And the transformation is remarkable.


  6. I don't get it either. I think Joey, and for that matter, Maddie, are both adorbs!!!! I'd do them both. well, sort of did one. But I have noticed that there are few queens who look as stunning as they do hot, out of drag. I lately have noticed a trend on a few queens who have no problems showing there male side and their nice bods and yes...even dicks. The best of both worlds. Too many queens put so much into drag, that when their back to the male self, they let everything go. Maybe Joey and Maddie are on to something????

    1. But, CB. You are a man who seems very secure in his masculinity. You don't seem to have internalized homophobia issues, hence your not giving a fuck about the possibility of counting a guy doing drag against him. I agree with you about Drag performers being able to show both sides of their personality and being better for it.
      Maybe they ARE on to something.


  7. He's beautiful as a man and gorgeous as a iper woman!

    1. I know, right?
      I find him attractive as both. One does not detract from the other....


    2. sure, but adoring menj, you can imagine how much I love him as a man!

    3. LOL same, Xersex, same.


  8. I get what you're saying. You know... confession. I used to have issues with fem men. It was guilt by association. Then I started watching Todderick Hall. The man bends and blends genders like no one else - and with a song and a dance! So I am in lurve with the man, whether he is just being his sweet cute guy self or rocking a pair of thigh high vinyl stiletto boots and eyelashes for days. I like Ultra Nate' for the same reason. There is something very masculine about her, but then she has this sexy glam gal thing going, too. So, I join you on this parade float, honey! Waving for all the world to see. He cute. Spankable! Kizzes.


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