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Oh, Alexis...

When I first saw this series of photos, the first thing I thought was: 'You go, gamps!' I find it super inspiring seeing people who are themselves no matter what age they are (Think Iris Apfel). The second thing was: 'where can I get those glasses?' because I am visually challenged and every two years I find myself hunting down a pair of glasses that do not bore me to death; and the third was: I need to post this. And so here we are. With the photos that inspired this post and the idea that we are so tied up to appearances that we seldom go for the subtext.

Also, I was thinking that I'd probably like it if I look something like this when I'm seventy or eighty (kiddin'! I don't think I'll make it to eighty). I'll be the totally crazy grandpa who does not give a fuck about people (I've heard once you hit a certain age, you really ARE out of fucks to give about what other people could think about you, natch) dressing as I want and being absolutely deranged if I feel like it. I don't think there's 'age appropriate' clothing, BTW and if you know me, you know that I'm not kidding. I think I'll fucking bedazzle my walker one day if I feel like it. 

But seriously, I had no idea what GENTLEMONSTER was until I saw a photo essay on Paper magazine. I just  thought the grandpa looked fab and kept reading. And boy, was I in for a surprise. The thing with first impressions is that they tend to throw us off our center. We know that what we are seeing must have an explanation but usually refuse to listen to our inner voice.

The thing is, I have heard of Alexis Stone. Alexis is a fantastic make-up artist who would transform himself into literally anybody, and all of these grandpa photos are actually Alexis! But talk about a transformation! I was clueless because Alexis usually uses other subjects, but I should have know better. Talent is talent. I am constantly in awe of makeup artists that totally subvert the notions of beauty and gender (and age!) and leave us wondering if what we have seen is true. We all have preconceived ideas of what or how somebody should look based on their age and gender and make up artists who subvert this paradigm make us reconsider our parameters and appreciate their talent. 

In the video we see much more of what Alexis can do. I find it absolutely amazing when somebody, armed with a few silicone prosthesis and armed with brushes and foundation can create such fantastic illusions. When I think Alexis can look both as the grandpa and the vision below, I trust the power of makeup. Really. It's like magic. We cannot trust our eyes anymore. The amount of talent!



  1. This is amazing, the makeup artists of today take a lot of direction from what we’ve seen in film for years. You cannot believe your eyes anymore. We have to question everything. Wait, is this the definition of fake news?

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. I know, right?
      His technique is up there with movie and theater makeup artists because the transformations are so mind-blowing. Difficult to believe our own eyes.


  2. what a making up wonderful art! and what a gray fox (or to put it better: white, but who cares !?)! so imaginative!

    1. Absolutely.
      The amount of imagination (and ingenuity) that takes to carry out these transformations is incredible. I could not stop watching.


  3. A lot of talent utilizing a lot of chemistry know-how. Make-up artists are to be praised. I remember an old, old comedy routine. Imagine: picking up some hunky dude and taking him home for a romp...and the hair comes off, the nose, the ears, the pecs, the teeth..... LOL. XOXO

    1. Hahaha
      Can you imagine? But it could totally be true with a make-up artist with this level of talent. I wonder why he hasn't entered one of those contests. He's an artist.


  4. God that's amazing. Such a talent.

    1. I was speechless.
      Especially when you see those day/night transformations. Absolutely amazing.


  5. WOW!....that is all I can think to say. Such talent.

    1. Same!
      It's incredible. And he makes it seem like it's easy. Which is the definition of difficult, right?


  6. I wanna be like iris when I grow up!
    and THANK YOU for the lovely postcard; SMOOCHES!

    1. Haha same.
      Iris is fantastic and I love her.
      And Yay! Hope you're feeling better!


  7. It IS like magic, isn't it!

    1. Absolutely.
      That's a good word: magic. The changes are so radical, it's the only explanation.


  8. There is and will only be one Alexis! Make up is hard enough to use, let alone manipulate it too look like others.

    Your the only person besides my friend Jon in the UK who has ever mentioned Iris Apfel. I first became familiar with her in our store in New York where I met her several times. She shopped our NJ branch also periodically, and she would remember me working at the flagship. That woman is sharp as a tact I tell you. And her Instagram during the pandemic was very entertaining. She did stories and all at her age!!!!! Power to Iris!!!! She even DM's!

    I unfortunately will probably live to be 100, and will be colorfully crazy...probably leaving the house as a man or a old drag, in crazy get ups, and people will look and wonder how I got so insane. But as long as my wigs look great and I have good jewels, I won't care.

    1. That is what amazes me about Alexis: working with something so many people use everyday and elevating it to this level...

      And it's funny how we are on the same wavelength! I love Iris Apfel. I CANNOT believe you met her. She's iconic and her sense of style is fantastic. Love her Insta.

      Hahaha same! Good wigs and good jewels make ALL the difference!


    2. Oh, Mads...you ****definitely**** have good jewels!

    3. Oh six, she is very talkative to all and so warm and welcoming. Being with Bloomies I got to meet many people. But it's also why I love NYC...you never know who, or where, you might meet someone...it's a big old melting pot of all kinds and that mingle together...especially the nightlife.

    4. I watched the documentary on her and she comes across as magnetic. I totally believe she's fascinating. I'd love to live closer to NY so I could visit often, TBO. If I had the money, I'd live there.


  9. That was very interesting.

    1. Absolutely.
      The combination of talent, artistry and absolute disregard for conventions is a sight worth seeing.


  10. Okay, maybe I am seeing something that isn't there. How much filler is in Ms. Stone's face and lips? Why would I buy cosmetics from someone who doesn't work with what the universe has given them? I dunno. Yeah. Me. Judge Judy, much? Everybody can be who they like (the way that older model is having the time of his life doing drag real) - and that should extend to the world of cosmetics. Yet.. there is something that does not feel genuine when the founder augments their own natural beauty in such unnatural ways? Just me? I dunno. Yeah. Judge Judy me. Sorry. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, Alexis has been open about the fillers. They've been documented on her YouTube channel. And if every person who peddles cosmetics *coughKartrashianscough* were to be barred from cosmetic procedures, there would not be anybody pushing beauty products. Her motto is 'we don't conform, we transform' and she's true to her word. I would not buy her products to look like her, I'd buy the products because they look good on her (and are high quality).
      Oh, and that older model IS Alexis. In full makeup and regalia.



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