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Bad Boyfriend

I want your love, and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love, and all your lover's revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

I constantly joke about YouTube being like that ex that low key stalks you but when we talk about exes, sometimes it's not really a joke. This past week I talked to my exe's widower (he passed away four years ago) and I remembered why is it that we stayed friends after our breakup: we were friends before we got together. We were friends before we even had sex. Our friendship was the foundation of our relationship. I miss him.

I am one of those men who stays friends with his exes most of the time. You add a U-Haul and some Birkenstocks and I'm a lesbian, literally. I've really only had two exes that have been absolute asshoes after we broke up. I guess the fact that I did not want to keep feeding the one exe's ego was probable cause for him not talking to me anymore and my refusal to take the other one back when HE wanted it was why he basically emailed all my friends and told them I had left him penniless. 

So my one ex broke up with me to fuck an engineering student he had met while living with me. Our relationship was on the rocks because he had stopped taking antidepressants to be able to have sex with me and that literally drove him crazy. We broke up and kept living together because it was convenient for both of us but it was a shitshow: he was fucking my replacement in the bedroom next door and I had to put up with it, but when I started dating men and they would pick me up at home he was utterly jealous. It was not pretty. After that, I moved out and we kept seeing each other. He literally saw me every day. We had dinner together three times a week. It was disconcerting. I had to go to therapy because I was so confused. My my therapist told me I had to stop seeing him and when I told him that, he was not pleased. At all. We never talked again.

My other ex broke up with me and started fucking somebody more than twenty years his junior. I took the pieces of my life, put them all together and found somebody new. I did keep talking to my ex, though (because I'm an idiot), and he decided he wanted me back. I told him I would never, ever would go back to him. He flew in a fury and emailed all my friends and told them I had basically stolen money from him (he gave me that money but then made me sell personal possessions to repay him). He also sent explicit pictures of him with other men to some of my friends, perhaps to show them how 'happy' he was without me. After he left me, friends came out of the woodwork to tell me horror stories detailing how he tried to control all aspects of my life behind my back. I was speechless. Funny thing? Once somebody told me that when he described his ideal man he was literally talking about ... me. 

But my other exes? We are friends still today. I think it's important to have a strong foundation in your relationship, so in case you break up the lover leaves but the friend stays. You loved that man, so there must have been something in him that made you make him the most important part of your life for whatever amount of time you were together. Come on! One of my exes is to this day, one my best friends. I even let him help me with investments and my retirement because I'm dumb as a doorknob when it comes to all that. Really. 

So watching this video I suddenly thought about my exes and why is it that I keep being friends with some of them. Also why I miss Joe so much. I know those bad ex-boyfriends think I'm the asshole. They probably have horror stories about ME, but that's none of my business anymore. 



  1. I think I'm friendly with the exes--I've never really had a bad break up--but I wouldn't call us friends.

    PS The bearded guy in the video is delicious.

    1. 'Friendly' is good enough.
      And yes, that bearded guy is yummy. I would.


  2. I've only had three relationships. The first, married, and his son (who is on blogger and gay) stalks me to this day, but won't have anything to do with me. The second, and my first 'live-in' was mentally twisted in ways I've never known. Both of those people are now dead. I'm still on my third. But I set very strong ground rules from the beginning so as not to have happen like you, before.
    Now,...what about cyber relationship???????

    1. I think it's the quality of the relationships we have what counts, no?
      And I've learned that many people get in complicated relationships by many, many reasons. The more you learn, no?
      Third time's a charm!

      Ohhh Cyber? That's a good question!


  3. My life has never been this complicated.

    1. That may be because you've had very good relationships with people who have been good to you and enriching to your life.
      More power to you, then.


  4. I think it says something about you and the person you are, that you have been able to remain friends with the bulk of your relationships. And it speaks volumes about the ones you have not. Deep down you’re an excellent person and feel for the people in your life. Those that do you wrong should be dropped and burn in hell. But that’s just my opinion, and what do I know? 😎

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Well, you're biased, bae. LMAOOO
      And I think it speaks more of the foundation of the relationships than about being a certain kind of human being (even though I want to think I'm an ok human being). These two men probably do not think I'm all that and a bag of chips....


  5. To date....Im friends with one ex...the 12 year relationship one. He and most of my friends joke, that when i split up....my ex's are never heard from again or seen. It's like aI lock them up in a torture chamber or like Zeus eat them. Surely I jest. Or do I? BWHAHAHAHAHA haaaaa ha!

    1. LMAOOO
      And I guess that's enough. We stay friends with people who fit in our lives.
      And some exes really would deserve for Zeus to come and get them!


  6. Had to stop watching the video as I disliked all the people, except the caterers. Kind of tired of 'those' representations. Anyhoo... your exes. Eek. That's why, until my soon-to-be-ex-husband, I had a policy of burn all bridges. When I left? I left, as in got as far away from them as I could and dropped them like the tiny grenades they all were. Sadly, a few exploded and I did not escape without injury, but those are the breaks (Shrapnel of the Heart.) My someday-ex-husband? Well. We were together for 20 years and our lives are all wrapped up in each others (family, business, dogs, house,) so I don't feel I have the luxury of detaching this time... to many ropes to cut. Plus, I still love him... in a different way... but I love him. I want to take care of him. When I married him I promised to be there for his last breath and, well... I'm still here. Thanks for sharing your history. Love to learn about you. And, yes... I, too, wish we lived in the same city. Confession: other than the work wife and The Boyfriend? I have ZERO friends. Acquaintances? Sure. But no one to have a cup with or talk about music or boyfriends and that stuff. From all indications? YOU would make a great friend. Kizzes.

    1. Ha!
      The caterers were fantastic. And I thought it was a funny video!
      About the exes: I usually don't burn the bridges. There's always some kind of affection underlying the breakup. That's why maybe after twenty years you still feel you can keep your promise to be there for him...

      And I think we would have the most awesome KiKis if we lived closer. Damn distance!!


  7. "Is that what the artist intended?"
    "I don't know, I got it at Target."

    1. The one liners were EPIC!
      I cackled the whole time.


  8. "All my exes live in Texas..." LOL. Ah, yes.... My first ex was fucking somebody else within three weeks after the wedding. 7 years later, I'd had enough. Maybe if she had invited me to join in.... LOL. The next relationship I had - well, he decided to go be a hermit. That didn't last long, but we didn't resume as anything but friends. All these years later we are still friends - out for breakfast or lunch every once in a while, we talk on the phone. The next one was a weekend news anchor. That one lasted close to 3 years. She lost her job and moved back to Georgia. never heard from her again. The Current one: we just celebrated our 35th anniversary. XOXO

    1. That was funny!
      And why marry someone if we wanna play with others? *shakes head*
      Being friendly with an ex is cool. I like it. Some can stay close to us, some just drift away. It's life, no? We all have to kiss some frogs before we settle.
      And congrats on 35 years! Yay!


  9. Never stayed friends with any of my ex's. But with just about all of them...we'd get together for blow jobs and fuck. Before the pandemic the boy and I had a threesome with one of my ex's. That's the extent.

    1. Well, I think that still is some connection.
      Sex with an ex is familiar and hot . We know them. They know us.
      And in many relationships the attraction stays. So why not?



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