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Oh, Anthony...

I cannot seem to understand the stigma attached to somebody having been a porn star/escort/sex worker. Unless that person needs some sort of special clearance to work with some very specific population, the fact that they used to fuck for money is absolutely irrelevant. At least in my eyes. It should not be a factor when taking into account the talent or the value of a person.

Yet, as we hear from Anthony, his biggest fear was that somehow, somebody would recognize him and spill the beans on what he used to do before he became an artist. But why? How does having suck dick on camera affects the way a person can create art, or do any job? 

Long standing debates on sex work range across disciplines with questions on how to name the profession, how to regulate it, and whether the profession should be criminalized. Much of the debates have philosophical roots on questions of morality of the occupation and objectification of the body and underlie empirical and policy research in sex work. The question of morality, especially in the context of purchased sex as opposed to “free” sex or sex within marriage, has been amply discussed in the literature with questions arising because of the binary distinction between purchasable sex and sex within marriage. These moral standpoints often influence the legislative frameworks within which sex work is located with different countries following prohibitionist, regulatory, or abolitionist frameworks on the profession.

From where I'm standing, people are too wrapped up in their own morals, or the way they see the human body and sex, to have any other reaction but judgement. It's astounding to me to find this kind of discourse in 2022, to tell you the truth. It's very Puritan (even though they used to fuck like rabbits), very Victorian (even though prostitution flourished during the era), very sanctimonious and very hypocritical. Being immoral to me is being a Repuglyclown or supporting the Rethug's way to approach government. Being immoral to me is not caring about other people. Being immoral to me is focusing on our own possessions and forgetting about everybody and anything else. Being immoral is having a fortune of several billion dollars and using that money to fly to... the atmosphere or attempt buy a social network instead of improving people's lives. Being immoral is conspiring overturning a government. Conspicuous consumption is immoral. Consumerism is immoral. Fucking someone for money or making gay porn is not immoral per se. That tag is attached to those activities by people who basically pathologize sex

The fact that a perfectly nice man would have to feel ashamed of something that he did (while being an adult, with his consent and with his mental faculties all in place) years prior to his current job (which is not constrained by  any kind of moral fallout) is beyond pathetic to me. He's put in a Madonna/Whore position by people who are able only to see others as sex objects or bastions of purity. People who see sex and sex expressions as dirty, as something to keep secret, or problematic, or something immoral, need to check their prerogatives and probably seek some kind of help? Not everybody needs to be sexual or like sex, but everybody has the right to express their sexuality and sexual desires as they see fit without fear of judgement. 

So good for Anthony for having met the controversy head on and having cut the possibility of being shamed by the person doing the interview. His past as a porn star should not influence how people see him as an artist. I'm here slow clapping for him.


P.S. Kristen Bjorn has been producing fantastic gay porn for twenty five years! Holy cow.


P.P.S: I may not be able to visit your blog today, Constant Reader. I'm gonna be on the road...


  1. What you fail to point out is that porn stars / escorts / sex workers make their money by being used by others and sometimes quite frequently. They are not like the guy sitting in the cube next to yours in the office.

    1. Oh, but that's not his aim (or mine) with this video.
      And everybody involved in a capitalist , consumerist society who works for profits (be it working for an orange big box retailer or in a cubicle) make their money by being used. And have you heard a well known philosopher talk about the axiom: 'I've got what you want, you've got what I need. I'll be your baby, come and spend it on me'?


  2. Have a lovely Memorial Day Weekend. Agree with you. I don't know why people continue to be so uptight about sex. It's sex. They have a peenie or a gina, you have a peenie or a gina... get over it. Let people do with them what they want (within reason.) As long as there is consent, who cares? Even if money is involved. Sex trafficking? No. Porn stars making bank? Yes. Kizzes.

    1. Thanks, Upton!
      I had a blast. Sun, and fun and great company. And people are uptight about sex probably because they're afraid of it and of losing control because of it. They don't understand that it's about consent and awareness. It's a very black and white concept for so many...


  3. I feel perfectly comfortable with this guy talking about K.B. I love sex and so it goes without saying for me to think a lot about it and find it absolutely natural for people who work in sex or who live off sex or because of sex =as job).

    1. please please don't miss ti take a look here > https://twitter.com/kristenbjorn

    2. Absolutely.
      Sex work is... work. Sex is also natural, but some people find ways to twist that into knots.
      And thanks for the link to KB! After 25 years still producing very hot erotica.


  4. Anonymous5/27/2022

    Big says,
    Well, now.... The sex trade in any of its forms (except trafficking, i.e., forced) should be perfectly legal. It's between consenting adults, right? If one would prefer to pay for services rendered, rather than have to deal with the responsibilities of an intimate relationship, whose business is it?
    You know where all this "immoral" and "judgmental" bullshit stems, right? Religion. As usual. Which keeps winnowing its way into governments. As usual. XOXO
    P.S. Enjoy your trip! XOXO


    1. Correct.
      Sex trade between two consenting adults should be legal. It's nobody's business if two consenting adults enter into a transaction that just happens to include sex as part of the deal.
      And I know, religion (and upbringing) play a big part in people's perception of sex and the way they view it. Sad but true.
      And thanks! It was awesome.


  5. I have several friends, and one best friend who did porn and they all say the same thing as Anthony. They are terrified people family and current jobs will find out, still. And when some people and friends do find out, there is a feeling as being less than, not good enough, used as a piece of meat, and a slut. Or people want to just get with you because of the porn or the size of the cock. All have said if you can't deal with that, then a career in porn in not for you.

    On the road, is this a sex visit?!?!?!?!?!?!? LOL!!!!!!!

    1. And I totally believe them.
      I cannot for the life of me understand why having worked as a sex worker is such a big deal to some people! Tons of people have sex with others in exchange of many things, including money. Being in a relationship/marriage/arrangement with them does not make it any better. So why judge someone who openly has sex for money? Hypocrites.
      A career in porn is not easy, and it takes a special kind of approach (and mentality) to be in it.
      An no, alas. Not a sex visit. But I had tons of fun!


  6. People in this country are such puritans. For them sex is dirty and unmentionable, and anyone who gets paid for it is disgusting.
    That said, a lot of those puritans are the ones paying the sex workers for sex so ......

    Have a faboosh holiday weekend Six!

    1. Absolutely.
      Puritans. The lot of them. And you are correct. It's mostly the puritans the ones that are the first in the line to pay to have their kinks catered to....
      And it was fantastic! Good food, good friends, good fun.


  7. Anonymous5/27/2022

    It’s been said before: sex work is work. They work harder for less money than most of us. In this country it’s looked down upon because of the religious right and they’re “christian” values. Those same values that get children killed in the classroom.

    I’m glad that his past didn’t harm his business. Oh and he’s very hot. I’d love to see some of his work.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. And it is true!
      Sex work is work and you know the xtianists are the freakiest of them all when it comes to sex. And of course they want to control other people's sex lives. It gives them huge boners.
      And to tell you the truth, I'd love to see some of his work, too!


  8. He harmed no one. He did it for a living. Did he enjoy himself? I hope he enjoyed every minute of it! Good for him. No one has any right to judge what one does for a living.

    1. Correct.
      He harmed no one, created a form of art (Kristen Bjorn photographs those models incredibly well!) and he made money. Money that probably helped him and his partner start their business.
      And I agree. No one has the right to judge others and the way they make their living. But here we are...



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