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Aries is the first; Aries is the fastest; Aries is the farthest. Aries sees something they want, and that’s all it takes! Sometimes planning in advance and sometimes having absolutely no forethought at all, Aries charges at the object of their ambition until they crash into eventual victory. These blunt impacts can result in disaster, but that never troubles Aries much. They get back up, shake off any residual daze of confusion, then suddenly they’re already sprinting headlong toward the next obstacle. @jenniferculp

Sadly, no lies were detected, dear Constant Reader. She's describing yours truly. Warts and all.

Jennifer also gushes about this month:

The Spring Equinox and your season have arrived! The Sun spends the season collaborating with Lilith and cuddling up to Chiron and Jupiter in your sign. Mercury, ruler of communication, presages the Sun’s movements with the same choreography. This spring, you’ll loosen the leash on your most suppressed shadow instincts, all in the service of some much-needed healing. Jupiter remains direct in your sign throughout. Your luck is at an all-time high.

I did not understand a word she said, but it sounds cool and I'll run with it. There's more about a very special eclipse (somewhere, probably Timor) and it says I'll be a different version of myself by the time Taurus gets here. Fun month, then??

BTW, wanna know your horoscope? Go to @THEM. I think I got enough, though.


P.S. That illustration has nothing to do with reality, of course.


  1. Anonymous3/21/2023

    Oh happy day, babe! The bestest day of all the year! May the coming be filled with fun, relaxation and adventure.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

  2. Oh, I assumed that was a photo of you!

    1. LMAOOO
      But of course! Especially because I'm always wearing a red loincloth...


  3. Scorpio here, unless you hadn't figured that out by now.

    1. Oh, I did.
      A long time ago. That tells me that you're most probably very good in bed when you apply yourself....
      Oh, yes. I know the ways of Scorpio men...


  4. Just a simple unassuming Taurus here. I did look and I seem to be ruled by Venus and have an anarchic self indulgent streak. Oh well, I am single so I guess that is all right.

    1. Ohhh
      Taurus men are very loving and sensual (hence Venus!). Slightly stubborn and build like the proverbial brick houses?
      And self-indulgence needs to be a trait sometimes.


  5. Anonymous3/21/2023

    Big says,
    Happy, happy day! May the next 365 bring you much joy, good health, and at least some of your heart's desire. My outlook for the immediate is grim - but I knew that already. A good friend died unexpectedly, my godfather is not expected to last out the day. So, yeah, the darkness has already landed. But the future gets brighter in April, so there's that and I do have creative things in the works. XOXO

    1. Thanks, Big!
      Oh no! It's so hard when people around us pass away! But April is always auspicious, right?


  6. You seem to describe a Capricorn: no one is as stubborn as a Capricorn. Aries is a fire sign and Capricorn is an earth sign. But I think stubbornness is similar.

    1. Oh, yes.
      Capricorns can be stubborn. Deep down they're super nice, though.


  7. Aquarius, er, Aqueerius, married to an Aries!

    1. Hahaha perf.
      Ohhh and Carlos is an Aries? Well, that explains EVERYTHING!


  8. If true, I feel for you. I love going from A to Z as quickly as possible... but that's because I'm lazy and have the attention span of a gnat. The kind of focus you Aries possess must be exhausting.

    1. LMAOOO
      The attention span of a gnat? I've known people just like that. And we are VERY intense. It is tiring at times.



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