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Oh, Kyle....

Full disclosure: I like big dudes and I cannot lie. (Well, thanks Debra! That song got stuck in my head after your post! LOL). And this guy's got the beef. I approve. Now that we got that out of the way here's the 411:

 Kyle’s career aspirations shifted from athletic training to construction to the military, showcasing his willingness to explore different paths. And he's shown that in porn, too.
🏔️ The discussion about Colorado Springs highlights the importance of home and family support in Kyle’s life. That was so cute!
💪 Kyle’s decision to join the military and become an infantry Marine reflects his desire for challenge and adventure. And probably helped him get that body-ody-ody, natch.
🌈 Kyle’s realization of his sexuality during his time in the military sheds light on the process of self-discovery and acceptance. And we need to hear more of those stories. Really.
💔 Kyle’s previous relationships with women show the complexity of sexual orientation and the journey towards understanding one’s true identity. Again, something that we hear more when it comes to Porn Stars and sex workers. Not discussed enough.

He's a riot. And he's totally delicious. And his Insta is fab and fun @kdent_on

And the goodies? On twitter @kyledent_on


P.S. His OnlyFans is fire. @https://onlyfans.com/kdent_on


  1. He is a complex human, and we all are the same. Life is a journey and he seems to fully be sharing his.

    1. And we love that, right?
      It's what I like most about these interviews: we get a view to the person behind the porn.


  2. You should probably refine your use of the adjective "big."

    1. Oh, Dave.
      This guy is six one and one hundred pounds heavier than I am. He's big in my book.


  3. Anonymous3/29/2024

    We are a complex species, aren’t we. Those who know their path early, and have the drive to attain it, are very fortunate. Some of us wander the desert for a time before we have the clarity and courage to act.

    Kyle is one fortunate, and beautiful, man.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I think he's found his way around life just fine.
      He's uninhibited and beautiful, so what's not to like??


  4. with that face, with that body, doing another job would be a waste of talents.
    Here his twitter profile, if you want to see what IG doesn't allow you to see!

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, Xersex. I absolutely agree with you here.


  5. Omg...brace yourself. He does nothing for me?????? That's very rare for this who're.

  6. Anonymous3/29/2024

    Bel homme insaitable
    -Beau Mec

    1. Well, we all have triggers that give us the tingle to mingle.
      Mine is tall, beefy dudes.



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