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Oh, getting Sloppy...?

Porn Stars. They're just like us. With better bodies, much more sex and with glittery award shows, but hey. And they're goofy and adorable when they're not showing off those goodies or banging other beautiful people on camera. 

Ok, here's the thing: I think Porn will save the world because it'll help people get over themselves and just fuck or not fuck and let others alone with their kinks. I think porn will end the stigma sexphobes have bestowed upon it when they follow their own logic: because they don’t like porn, it should be banned. 

You just know those who badmouth porn tend to consume it the most (look at the stats from the Tubes, hunny). Horny liars. They remind me of the No-Homo jocks who used to lowkey beg for a blow job behind the bleachers in high school almost every weekend. Also, porn brings a lot of happiness to some strained quarters because not everybody can/want to have sex with others at a given time. So yeah. 

And talking about TMI, I'm not a shooter or a dribbler.


P.S. Here's the equally hysterical part 2. I'm SHOOK that Meatball is as tall as @LegrandWolf Damn!
Maybe that’s why those Porn Stars in his videos look so dainty! 


  1. You keep forgetting that porn stars are sex workers who charge everyday people like you and me lots of money to have sex with them, a rather unglamourous truth.

    1. Ohh.
      And that's bad why? If I had a nine inch dick, a body like theirs and the ability to perform on command, I'd moonlight as a sex worker, too! I imagine there's no better advertisement to them than their own porn output...


    2. Shit. If I was out, and some guy said he heard about me in bed, but I wasn't into him, and he said I'll pay you $500 for a two hour fuck ....I'd have no problem going to his place and have sex. Money is money, and I enjoy sex. Why not get paid for something you enjoy, feel good, make someone else feel good, and for easy money?? And you know what? I don't feel any more less fabulous for it.

    3. I know!
      If I could, I would moonlight as a high-paid escort. And if I had the dough, I know who I'd hire in a heartbeat.


  2. It isn't lost on me that the most activity for porn sites is in Red states and the Bible Belt.
    Uh huh.

    1. Oh, absolutely.
      That's why they put the porn ban there. PornHub stopped serving some of those places. I can see all the xtianists buying their very own VPN as I type...


  3. Anonymous5/01/2024

    If you put someone in an environment that is not their work environment, you have a better chance of seeing the real person. When they’re not in front of the camera, they’re just like you and me, but they have better assets than me. If they’re not full of themselves, and not putting on airs, you can see the real person. And maybe they’re someone you would have a few cock-a-tails ( hi Maddie!) with and see where the night takes you 😜

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I know, right?
      They were so much fun talking to Big Dipper and Meatball! Oh, I'd LOVE to go out and kiki with some of them. Can you IMAGINE the stories????


    2. Did someone say cocktails?

    3. I already have the Gin...


  4. Big says,
    Oh, the red states watch the most porn, everyone knows that. They aren't fooling anyone. LOL. Wouldn't it be kind of cool to meet some of the actors when they aren't on camera? I think you'd find a completely different persona. XOXO
    P.S. Middle of the road cummer? Ain't nothin' wrong with that. xoxo

    1. Yep, they do.
      And it would be super cool to get to know them away from the glare of the camera. I think CaliBoi said he's met some of them and they're super fun.


      Oh, yes I am.

  5. I don't know anyone who doesn't watch porn, and if they say otherwise, they're lying. Republicans and conservatives especially. I knew a guy years ago, mid 90's. as fucking conservative and right-wing republican as you can get child. I found out all these years later he's a huge dump supporter and likely in one of those miltia groups. But back then, I had no problem fucking the hell out of him, and I know I took my hatred out on him for his beliefs and right-wing bullshit on his ass with rough fucking...and he loved it! I even might have made him choke a couple times when climaxing. And he LOVED IT. He was also into boys of all ages...so your typical right wing closeted pig. To my knowledge he's still in the area here, much older now, probably in his late 70's... and it got back to him that I'm back in the area, but I wouldn't touch him to scratch him now. I hear he pays for the sex now and orders in. Yet I bet his WING NUT groups would fall out if they knew. Or not, Or join in!!! LOL!

    1. Oh, you know the religulous and the Repugs love porn.
      I can absolutely believe what you're telling us. It sounds very Lindsey Graham. I know that cunt has plenty in her closet.


  6. Did you know that all the issues you mention that porn is going to resolve exist only in THIS GAWD FORSAKEN C*NTRY? Tis true. Everybody else accepted sex as a part of life except the Puritans. Even Mexico... and they are all about the Hail Mary's and the genuflecting. But even they understood that sexuality was fluid. If I had realized this in my early 20's and not been such an ignoramus, I would have figured out how to move and live and work in another country. But, no... we were too blinded by the Pizza Huts, and Happy Days, and Smokey And The Bandit, and Leif Garret's tight satin pants to realize jack sh*t. Kizzes.

    1. It's that Puritan essence.
      It's what creates that fear, that reticence, that unnatural disgust for what they crave. And I love how you can throw four references in and encapsulate American culture.


  7. next life I want to be a porn actor!

    1. Yay!
      You should make some videos, Xersex. à la Andolini. Something tells me you'd do just fine.


    2. I'm 50, and not as nice as I was in my 30s. The only thing I could do well is - obviously - sex. Even Coram populo! [I studied Latin a lot in my life, I'm so classic and into classics, exp. into homoerotic classic world].

    3. Oh, fifty is the new thirty.
      And I just know you're very good at sex. Public or not.



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