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Oh, Bidding Adieu..?

In his farewell address, Uncle Joe reflected on his accomplishments, including job creation and infrastructure investments (take that, MAGA), while issuing stark warnings about the dangers of oligarchy (president Musk) and misinformation in America (fuck you, Zuckerberg). He emphasized the need for unity and vigilance in protecting democracy as he transitions power to the incoming administration.

His farewell address was not just a reflection on his time in office but also a poignant reminder of the challenges that lie ahead for America. Like Dave said, it's going to be a bumpy road, full of stupidity and fuckery. His warnings about the concentration of power and the importance of safeguarding democracy resonate deeply as the nation prepares for a new administration kakistocracy lead by billionaire techbros and feckless YesMen (looking at you, Mikey). As he transitions power, Biden leaves behind a legacy of significant accomplishments and a call for vigilance in protecting the democratic ideals that define the United States.

He was a great president. He fixed all the fuckery #TheFelon left in his wake, brought the country back from an ill-managed pandemic, restored laws, promoted changes to help the environment, bettered infrastructure, gave us a great economy and was paid by being 'unpopular'. Americans ARE idiots. They sell out for the price of eggs. We WILL miss Biden's administration.


#fucktrump #felon47 


  1. His only mistake was that he wanted a 2nd term, and, unfortunately, is what he will be remembered for.

    1. Well, yes.
      But he did so many good things! And The Felon is undoing them one by one (he just wiped the limit for prescription drugs Uncle Joe established). Unintentionally, Orange Mussolini will bring attention to each one of the good things Uncle Joe did.


  2. It was nice while it lasted.

    1. It was.
      This country is fucked. All because eggs were 'too expensive'.


  3. Big says,
    Over the price of eggs...and they soared to $7.49 / dozen over the weekend. Gas went from $3 / gal to $3.15 / gal.
    As history evaluates administrations, his will bWe will miss hime rated as one of the best for the accomplishments you mentioned, and more.
    Winter is here. Now we must enjoin the fight.

    1. Oh, yes.
      The price of eggs.
      And history will not be kind to The Felon. Uncle Joe, on the other side....


  4. Anonymous1/20/2025

    And the price of eggs is due to avian flu. Who is responsible for that? Most likely the the egg producers for not taking safeguards to protect their chickens. So big government is good, or is it bad? You can’t have it both ways. Should government protect you from yourself, or do you know better? Clearly a large percentage of the population cannot care for themselves. Look at the high rate of poverty in predominantly red states. But keep voting for the repugs who haven’t fixed the problem in 50 years.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Oh, how DARE you be logical with the MAGAts?
      Don't you know everything that The Felon says is TRUE?? And big government is good when it favors the MAGAts. That's been established.
      Red states have always been moochers. Always.


  5. Anonymous1/20/2025

    Biden accomplished much in his four years in a positive way, Trump on the other hand did not accomplish much at all in his first term, much of it negative. Under Biden’s watch Covid - 19 was finally brought under control with the proper information and tools. Under Trump Covid-19 was an epidemic that was left to kill 1 million Americans aided along by Trump and his administration through gross misinformation and out right lies. Trump raided the national treasury to give himself, his grifter family and his wealthy hacks a fat tax break at the expense of everyone else. Biden in turn had to correct and clean up the economic mess Trump and Republicans left behind, just like FDR and Clinton had to when they inherited economic messes from Republicans. History will be kind to Biden, not so much for Trump despite the dubious efforts of his acolytes.

    1. RJ I think you're absolutely right. And he's going to undo all that good work Biden did. Now it's going to be like the inmates running the asylum. And we thought his first term was bad

    2. Absolutely agree.
      And The Felon and his family will pocket as much money as they can and let his enablers do the same while letting the country go to hell. It's an Oligarchy leading a Kakistocracy. Peachy.
      History will remember Uncle Joe as a very good president. Not popular, sadly, but very good.


  6. I'm trying not to think of the next 4 years as we really don't have a president. All I can say for certain is the Democrats better get their damn act together and have one hell of a can in it already to go. I also think the party needs to embrace progressives more. I saw an article over the weekend where Bernie's popularity during this election cycle was higher than Biden Harris or Trump. I think both parties as we know them are gone. Some of the Democrats actually shocked me with support for a lot of Trump's nominees. Are some of these Democrats getting to write the center?

    1. Oh, it's gonna be a shitshow, babes.
      And the Dems better pay attention to the progressives (AOC is one of them) because otherwise, we won't have a chance.
      And you know many Dems are kinda centrists disguised as leftists...


  7. History will remember Joe and all he did for We The People.
    The Felon will NEVER know that feeling.

    1. Oh, history will NOT be kind to Orange Mussolini.
      But he's rewriting history as he goes. The MSM helps him so.
      That makes me mad.


  8. I liked the guy... he had his faults, but was very human and very humble. I don't blame him for anything. He was cleaning up a mess (COVID) that the previous administration had bungled very badly. The price gouging that accompanied that crisis went unchecked and still has. Eggs? That's about supply... and avian flu and the recent fire at one of the biggest suppliers of eggs in the midwest. Gas? Like other than release the reserve, the Prez has nothing to do with it. They use oil prices to make whoever is in office either look good or bad. Let's not hold our breath the next four years. Those lungs were made to be used... loudly.


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