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Oh, Rajiv

Now, don't tell me that you'd listen to most anything he has to say. This man could talk me into doing shit I've never even thought about it. So eloquent, so knowledgeable, so absolutely charming. And handsome. I also love his penchant for things that are made by someone or are somehow one of a kind: his suits or his sweaters (like the hat and scarf that dear Anne Marie made for me) and many of the things he shows us in his house.

I also like his somehow Marie-Kondo-ed approach to living: his house seems to have exactly what he needs and likes and nothing else. Not many superfluous things laying around. I wish I had his sense of order. His furniture is sparse comparing it to other houses we have seen, but everything has meaning and a story. I love that.

Now, we need to talk about his hobby-cum-profession: how fantastic is that? I wish I could do THAT with a pen, let alone chalk. His 'Hey, can I redo your chalkboard?' 'Because it's ugly.' and then wait for rain is the best business strategy I've seen in years. What he does for a living is incredibly fascinating. The fleeting, impermanent nature of his art makes it EVEN more coveted, IMHO. I was spellbound.

His idea of making the kitchen a little 'jewel box' is fantastic. Kitchens are usually the -no pun- Cinderellas of the house. And that he did most of it himself makes it even more valuable. But I would only do that in my own house, though. Also, I would love to work with utilitarian objects that are embellished with details that make the useful beautiful. Also is his friend Deborah our DEBRA? Mysteries!!!

All in all, I watched this video twice. Maybe three times. Yes, I'm obsessed with him and with his house. 



  1. The video had me the minute it started. And yet again proves a small space can be more stylish then a huge house. But the chalk treatment is happening!!!! I love it!! A good friend of mine and blogger is a talented calligrapher . she make beautiful stationary....i should send her to watch this. And you know me...i don't buy anything unless it has meaning.....so I love that. Bothers me when people buy stuff just to fill a space.

    1. I was mesmerized.
      The idea people have that they need a huge place to live is always misproven with places like this. It's also a symptom of consumerism and privilege, but that's another post. LOL
      I could not get over the fact that he could do calligraphy. Such a lost art! And that room he literally created! Fabulous.
      Buying only what makes us happy is always a good strategy.


  2. What a renaissance man. He has picked up so many talents just by putting his mind to it. His silver collection is astounding and his tiny kitchen is so utilitarian.

    I’d be afraid to walk into a room that he’s done his chalk drawing in. Can anyone say “bull in a China shop?”

    And his voice is dreamy and I agree, he is quite handsome.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. That's a great description. Multifaceted, I'd call him. And very, very interesting. Can you imagine collecting silver cutlery for years? And then you can use it in your dinner parties. And remember he says the wear and tear of the chalk is what makes his art so interesting.
      He's very handsome. I would.


  3. Holy crap. This guy is really talented. Can you imagine being able to do all of that? Piano, harp, calligraphy....paint? Great place and love that it's not filled with "stuff." XOXO

    1. I cannot.
      It comes so easy to him! But talent, right? His musical ability probably makes him great at math and calculating. Also probably a fantastic sense of space and proportion.
      His place looks much bigger than it is, I'm sure.


  4. He had me smiling at the jump. I love his home, and that kitchen, while teeny tiny, is gorgeous. I love his love for his stuff, and his collecting it and curating it, but not giving it too much life; if you break a glass it's okay. Carlos and I are like that; we have things in the house that have meaning, either for one or both of us, and have a story to tell.
    Love Rajiv and his house and his voice and his passion for really simple living.

    1. So charming!
      I think you nailed it: he doesn't let his collection dominate him. Otherwise, he'd be hoarding. Things that have story are the best. They're meaningful to us and by default by others, when we tell their stories.
      Simple living *sigh* so fulfulling.


  5. Interesting, but I don't like tiny spaces.

    1. It's really not that small. But it's an apartment, after all.
      I find the place very charming.


  6. I love this video! Rajiv is SO immensely talented, creative and adventurous! He really is living the dream. I'm drawn to a minimalist life philosophy myself although I'm not quite as pared down as he is. And LOL, I wish I were his weaver friend Deborah! I bet you she's in the same approximate age group as I am though -- most Debras are 1950s babies from when Debbie Reynolds was THE big star of the moment.

    1. Creative and adventurous really define him.
      He's lived in many places, too. And you are right: he's a minimalist with meaning. I loved his closet. The essentials but very stylish and well made.
      And I know his friend Deborah is just as you described her. LOL


  7. Thank you for introducing me to my next husband. He'll need to eat a sandwich or two, and stop using cologne and deodorant... He'd also have to be willing to put up with my bullshit, but maybe he has a closet I could live in? Wow. Just adorable. And so talented. HOW do people become so talented??? I adore tiny spaces. And his union suit. SO HOT. And his hair and lips. and eyes. OMG. What a cutie. Of course he'd have nothing to do with me... but I can sure dream. Although at one point he does say, "Old things can be beautiful..." So... hope spring eternal. Kizzes.

    1. Hahaha
      I was thinking I was jealous of him needing to eat a sandwich!
      So very talented. Musical instruments, calligraphy, worldliness. And a fantastic storyteller. I love his house. It's kind of perfect for one person. Maybe two?
      He's got the most magnetic stare. Did you notice his hands??


  8. I finddelightful that he also plays the piano!

    1. So talented!
      I'm always jealous of anybody with musical ability.



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